this is our brand new chemical guys honeydew snow foam auto wash. this brand new shampoo is available rightnow on our website: chemicalguys.com this amazing shampoo is designed specificallyfor foam cannons and foam guns to produce the thickest results. we took our original snow foam formula backto the lab, and redesigned it to create better resultsand give even more foam.
this premium shampoo is super thick! it's a bright green color, and it gives the thickest foam! it produces slick lubrication that maintainsyour foam cannon or foam gun, and allows your wash mitt to glide gentlyover the surface. it's available in a 16 oz. size, and a gallonsize to do a lot of vehicles so you can get the job done anywhere, anytime. we're gonna place some honeydew snow foamin our torq foam cannon to show you exactly how to put it in.
we have our foam cannon already filled upwith water, and now i'll add just 2 oz. of honeydew snowfoam to the foam cannon. honeydew snow foam is ph-neutral, so we can wash this car in direct sunlight. it's the only snow foam shampoo on the market that you can use in direct sunlight. now that we've got this snow foam in the foamcannon, we'll plug it in to the pressure washer, andget foaming with the brand new honeydew snow foam!
now you've seen how awesome chemical guys honeydew snow foam auto wash really is! it gives the most suds! the suds are so thick, they pull off all thedirt and debris, plus it's ph-neutral and you can wash thecar in direct sunlight. check out the new honeydew snow foam on ourwebsite right now: always remember: have fun,
stay clean, and keep on detailing!