flores, men. i just wondering the peopleliving here had been fortunate... ...because of theirbeautiful nature. this is the best island to takea road trip. so, today we'll geta very long trip. eight hours to walk intoinland flores island... ...to go to village in a clouds. fix, i have to go todeeper inland. maybe the deepest.deepest!
jalan jalan men! the journey is an examinationthemself, men. he is my friend. he is the manggarai'sindiana jones. he had traveling to eastern ofindonesia to report their beauty. so, he will be ourprettiest guide. he'll bring us to the shoreline. with intan, arya is theproducer of www.menujutimur.com. check it out, bro.
we'll going to wae rebo! to wae rebo, it spend about7-8 hours, men. i suggesting you toconsume pill. when we got road like it,so it's time to sleep, men. actually, you can use a busto reach each city. it's about 30-60 thousandrupiah for the ticket. but, i got this car for free. like i said, road trip in floresis the most coolest thing, men. it's so beautiful panorama,very unique here.
do you wanna knowthe thing that more unique? welcome to savanna.african in indonesia. unstepping a shit! chocolate on the road,let's eat! i already know,they are so kind. i got a lot of tosses. this is the toss paradise. who is the president ofindonesia? - naya.- vote for me.
we are arriving to ruteng! ruteng is the city centerof west manggarai. so, manggarai is likea residence. bandung is a city in west java... ...and ruteng is the cityof west manggarai a trace that i got on the tripis so many teenager... ...and turkey on the road. after we passed ruteng,we go to small village... ...in southern floresnammed bintor.
and there are so much moreepic panorama. and their greatness would beour motivation to go to bintor. men, the fog starting spooky. you will die if you're notcareful here. disappear into the fog. once again, flores neverdisappointed. after spooky fog,we see a large field. we are on the field, right? yes, i'm right.
pretending a straw!and i got a few itchy. this is my phone number,if you go to here, just call me. there's only one phone provider here.so, it should be strong signal. by 7 hours tripping from labuan bajoto southern flores... ...it never similar viewalong the road. starting a forest, fog,savanna, village, city, and.. we are arrivingin hindia ocean. am i right?absolutely yes. men, this is the mostepic of our trip.
start from morning to evening,we are showed something new. there's a lot of differentview on the road. this is our final journeyfrom labuan bajo to bintor. we'll stay over tonightin the field center, bro. amazing! this is the treasure.and you know what? we still can see smiling. going to the mountain,and we meet new people. welcoming by their smile, butthis is my first time to come here.
oh, i'm happy, happy togetherwith a new friend. smile, smiling everytime. friendly country. not only a land,the sky is smiling too, men. so, i gonna sleepwith smile on my lips. but, before it.. to closing an unforgetableday, we drink a flores' wine... ...nammed sopi.- drinking sopi on side field, men. and it'll made us more smile.
- this is land of thousand smiles.- like him. he is very easy to smile. i love flores. we are in the center of fieldbetween a mountain and sea. men, you can feel theagriculture of our country. sometimes, we never awarehow we got rice. of course from here,and awesome people doing that. they're digging by their own hand.amazing. today, i got honor to climba mountain to see wae rebo village.
village in the cloud. maybe, they are onlyangels living there. from bintor we have to ride on wheelin 10 minutes to kombo village. and continuing walk to wae rebo. oke, now we startingour journey. let's go! tips on tracking,it's all about rhythm. so, you're only walking by rhythm,don't be fast and slow randomly. what is that?!
this is the first time for metracking to the mountain. very fun! now, i know why many people love it. because, this is a truly journey. maybe, now is a good timeto tell you why i want to wae rebo. the important thing is.. what was i said? wae rebo has just opened a libraryand they need more books. so, to become a trully super traveleryou should bring this book there.
i got a super quest! bring the book to the children!go, go, go! may i take few minutes? take 5, bro! men, it more difficult,it's quite extreme to the top. you have to be careful! i guess, this trip is toodangerous for you. so, you'll need it. i got weapon!
it's a weak footfor beginner traveler. but, i wont give up. but, if it really tiring,don't push yourself. we have to know our limit. tips for you whodying in a mountain. if you can't walk to the top,just stop and take a rest. that's a cure.isn't it? yes. i'm not tired,i just accompanying naya.
another tips, if you found watercleans your face... ...but don't be like naya. i got slipped. you'll found several waterfallon this trip, men. reflection spot, to releaseyour exhaustion. now, we in to the forest.i hope meet tamest, bro. i feel like being more wiseon this trip. by a cane, now i knowwhy the climber is the wise one. now, they're use cane too,like a wise man.
wise, wise. did you know? the highlanderwas lift 20 kg of coffee up... ...and bring a rice down tothe mountain on this road. - what's is it?- rice, to wae rebo. if i'm not got a rice,we can't eat. and i, step by stepwere being wae rebo. so, i'll bring this book for them.stepping water. maybe after it, they canwalk on the water. this small road made a peoplebecome closer each other.
because, they'll meet certainlyand share a story. that's why, the kindnessis becoming to wae rebo. that is a mountain wisdom. did you know, how we can measuringthe high that we climb? when you can touch the cloud. we are ate by fog. silent hill, these mountainis everything, men. echo! hello! you're handsome!yes i know.
but you are not.don't copying me! - jebraw!- naya! naya remembering meto attent the other. so, i'll finish this tripby running like legolas and gimly. naya as gimly, she short. the children in wae rebohave to read it. the bridge! we arriving on thelast check point. we take a rest here.
look at that! that is wae rebo,and they called it home. and they're living there.wae rebo.