hello everybody - et motovlog i finally found a name for my channel. that was too difficult! really difficult ! but i succeed. what do i wanna talk today about ? i haven't ridden motorcycle last 4 days. because i haven't been in san diego last 4 days. we made a small road trip with my friends.
we went to grand canyon from san diego. i have some tips for you. also i will share my experiences with you. maybe they can be useful for you. at the same time, it can be a plan for you, if you head to there from san diego or think about going to grand canyon. when grand canyon is told, everybody thinks about this big valley. actually, it's grand canyon national park.
beside that, i think there are 3 another places, where you have to visit. all these places are parts of colorado river. first, we went to horseshoe bend. i can explain it to you like that. there is a river bend that looks really like a horseshoe. it has unbelievable, beautiful colours. the river takes a colour like between green and blue with sunshine. it's pretty good.
also i will share the picture. it was our first point. we spent one and half hour in there. we hiked there. one and half our of our time was spent there. then we went to antelope canyon, where is not too far maybe 15 minutes far away from horseshoe bend. i can explain antelope canyon like that it's a valley, that sometimes a person sometimes 4 people can pass. this valley consists of totally orange stones.
i can say that stones are smooth. the colour of stones with sunlight are amazing. we took a tour that took on 1 hour and 15 minutes. it costs $28 for adult. i definitely suggest you to take this tour. because you can't walk and visit inside of the valley if you don't take a tour. in short there is no mean without taking a tour. we probably went to lower antelope canyon. i will share the picture of this place.
as i said, the tour takes on around 1 hour and 15 minutes. if you have enough time, and you travel in a limited time, i suggest that you should go to monument valley, where is 2 hours far away, in same day. by the way, you can book online this tour to visit antelope canyon. if you make a reservation, it can be better for you. because you don't have to wait in the line. also you can find easily free spot. and you can start your trip in there as arrived as there. as i said, we catch the sunset in monument valley after two hours drive.
really, i've never seen a sunset like that before. besides that i love the sunset in bozcaada (it's an island in turkey) as a bozcaada lover. but the sunset in monument valley is better than that. i wanna describe it like that. the sunlight is yellow, but it's undefinable. your clothes and everything look like glowy. it was a bizarre place. i'm really impressed.
after monument valley, of course next day we went to the grand canyon. entrance fee of grand canyon national park is $30 per car. number of the passenger doesn't matter. you should drive around 21 miles inside of the park. but there are lots of stops to watch the view. you stop in these points while you're passing 21 miles. the grand canyon is inside of this park. if you travel fast in here, you can finish your visit in 2 or 3 hours. then if you want, you can visit another places, that locate around grand canyon national park.
we haven't done that because we didn't have enough time. we decided to drive to phoenix and stayed there for last night. it was like a celebration for the end of our road trip. we went to a good place in phoenix. i haven't find any place like that in san diego yet. it's totally just for me. and the most important thing is that it was super cheap absolutely super cheap. for example, in san diego you have to pay minimum $6 or $7 for a beer.
that is for the worst beer. in this place one beer was $3,5 ! something that was interesting happened on the way. we stayed one night in tuba city. and we were thinking about buying some drinks to drink. we went to the gas station because of that. we looked the refrigerator, but we couldn't see any beer. and then we asked to cashier where we can buy beer. he looked us and leered.
he said that if you want to drive 45 miles, you can buy a beer. so, we're surprised. what does he mean ? because it's never happened before in the usa. any alcohol isn't sold in this city. and you can just buy it from a city 45 miles far away. it's intresting. so, it's not possible that you experience it in turkey.
you can absolutely find a market that sells alcohol in everywhere. anyway, i missed so much my motorcycle in these 4 days. we spent in these 4 days included housing, eating, drinking, renting a car, entrance fee of national park, tour fee so in short included everything approximately $300-350. i think that it was okey. because we did lots of things and our days were so busy. in short, i wanna say that
if you have a chance to come to the usa especially california. you should absolutely visit to the grand canyon. you can't skip to visit this place. i have been in cappadocia, turkey before. there are a lot of similarities between of them. but both of them has a different atmosphere. also, the grand canyon is one of unesco world heritage. so, these 4 days worth to spend my money, time and energy.
i just missed so much my motorcycle. i said that i wish i would do this trip by motorbike. but really when i arrived to the grand canyon, i gave up this idea because the weather was -4, -5 celsius (24 fahrenheit) and snowy. it was impossible because my equipments are for the weather of san diego. i wanted to share these informations with you today. i hope that they can help you to have an idea about gran canyon. and i hope that these informations can help you when you come here.
thank you for watching. also, videos and i'm sorry not videos :) i try to share my photos that was taken in this trip with you. maybe you can be influenced by them. yes, thank you everybody for watching and listening this video. i hope that informations i gave will be useful for you. and you can use them one day. everybody, take care yourself!
ride safe ! check your right and left ! be careful ! see you soon !