how to do keyword research to find the rightseo keywords for your website and how to find out what keywords your competitors are using? that�s what we�ll answer in today�svideo. hi, i�m dillon with social media top team.we help business owners grow their business to the next level by leveraging online video,social media and unconventional marketing strategies. let�s get right to it. many people wantto leverage search engine optimization like google, yahoo, bing and the rest, to get moresales leads for their business. so they start doing seo keyword research and find that it�snot so easy to find good keywords for their
website and business. without knowing howto find the right keywords for seo for your website or blog, you�ll get lousy resultsor no results at all. you�d be surprised to find out how many businesses don�t knowtheir seo keywords! they also don�t know how to do seo keyword research. which meansthey have no idea what their customers are searching for online. that�s a sure firerecipe for disaster. we have clients who invested $1,000s of dollarsin seo services with other companies only to find that they were ranking for the wrongseo keywords. in other words, seo keywords that weren�t getting their phones ringingor driving qualified leads to their website. bottom line, they weren�t making any money.don�t let this happen to you!
we�re going to show you 6 quick ways todo keyword research for the right seo keywords for your website or blog. these include 5popular free keyword search suggestion tools. by the way, the 6th and final method is goingto blow your mind! so make sure you stay to the end of the video let�s start with what are seo keywords.there are 2 different types of seo keywords: short tail and long tail keywords. short tailkeywords are 1 � 2 word phrases usually, that are broad and commonly searched what you see here...running shoes there�s more competition for short tail keywords sincethey�re more commonly used. while long tail keywords, are a combinationof 3 - 6 words, or more, that are specific
and relevant to the services or products thatyou sell. some of their benefits include that you can more easily rank in search enginesfor them; they won�t have as much competition and can boost your sales conversions becausethese searches are more qualified searches and often are late stage prospects. you seethis is a long term keyword: order running shoes online. this is a late stage keyphrase,someone whos ready looking to order running shoes online. so, to get started in learning how to do seokeyword research, simply step into your customer�s shoes and you want to conduct an imaginarysearch for what you�re selling. or ask friends and relatives to suggest long tail keywordsif they were to search for your products or
services. so let�s say we search for this keyphrase�small business coaching�. let�s go find some variations.right here to googleand check out what they have to offer. 1) the 1st free key word suggestion tool isusing google suggestions. simply type in a few seo keyphrases, then look at the suggestionsand make note of any that you like. so i'm going to type in, small, you see these thingsare the suggestions coming in, so small business coaching. here we go. and you see alreadysome other suggestions coming down, so coaching fees, services, certification, tools, sydney..theseare the areas so make note of any that you actually like.
2) now, the 2nd free keyword search tool is�searches related to�� and this is located at the bottom of the page to come up withsome keyword ideas as well. once again, simply type in a few seo keyphrases, this time we'regoing to add �small business coaching tips�, bingo. then what happens is we're going toscroll down to the bottom of the page. by the way, here are two of our videos here socialmedia top team and here ranking page 1, position in 1 and 2 out of over 43 million results,video seo baby! alright so go to the bottom of the page. and what you;ll see are searchesrelated to small business coaching tips and this was great about it. so you see some ofthe other keyword searches that people are typing related to that keyphase you can evenclick on some of the terms to see other related
terms. remember these are the terms that yourtarget demographic are searching for. so we click on business coaching tips ideas andlet's go to the bottom and you see here some other ideas, leadership coaching tips, coachingtips for managers that kind of thing. very cool and again free. 3) the 3rd free keyword checker tool is usinggoogle�s keyword planner. and what you going to do is simply key in �google�s keywordplanner�. google keyword planner and then we're going to click here in the keyword planner.and you see over here sign in. so you actuallly need to sign into the account, like so. now,ifyou don�t have an account, set up a free gmail account.
to set up a free gmail account, just justgoing to type in gmail click on gmail. and right here you see at the bottom that says �create an account�just click on that and set up an account.and that's it. alright now that you�ve donethis, you want to go back to google keyword planner and login. so let's to go back tothe google keyword planner and log in and let's do we go. alright we're loggingin..and now one thing, usually when you log in it will take you to this page sometimesif you're logging in it will take you to another page so it sometimes close people off. soif you want to put up an another page other than that one. just go to tools and a dropdown menue will appear and just go to keyword planner, remember thats what we came for..forthe keyword planner. usually it always take
you to this page when you log in and onceyou viewed it a few times it may take you to different pages. alright so what we were going to do is wewill type into �search for new keywords and ad group ideas�� im going to clickon that and just type in some keywords. we'll going to do small business coaching it couldbe whatever keyword that you want. and the other thingis you want to scroll down andmake sure that you are targeting united states or whatever country you might be in for cityand country.we'll file with united states so us is fine. and then all you do is youclick on �get keyword ideas� or get ideas. and you see its coming up and bammm! got allthis searches. now there's ad group ideas,
we want keyword ideas. ad group ideas arewhen you are using google ads on pay per click sense. so we want keyword ideas so we clickon keyword ideas. and you see small business coaching. number 1 average monthly searchesis 320 that means each month google tracks about 320 people searched for this. and yousee as we go through, there's always different variations. so let's go down and see whatmakes this simpler. see, its 1-30 out of 800 keywords. it can only list 30 so we can dothis and change to display 100 keywords per page and that makes it much simpler for us.and all you do is this. you go through in any keywords that you like, here's one businessleadership coaching, 110 keywords low competition, you click on this arrow under add to planand what it will do is it will add it to plan
for you.and you go through to each one. thisis one you can do it and select them it's more time consuming or you can simply insteadof doing that ,just go to the right here with where the download button is and click download.yes this downloads everything. so we want to download it n excel csv and it will dojust that. it will save all those keywords that we just found. and we already have thefile here. this is what the file will look like when you actually save it. it will downloadjust like this and all you do is you go to customize to delete this stuff that you dontwant, change it around manuever like this to the left..bla bla bla. and there you go,i'll delete some of these too. we want to make it easy for us to use it later. and whatit shows is, here are the actual keywords,
avaerage monthly searches. and what we wantto do is go down and delete any that we don't like. so small business, isn't going reallybe any good for us. small bsuiness marketing thats not bad. some other things we dont want.small businesses thats no good. and this is all you do. you go through and whichever onesyou don't like, small business advices that will be a good one, whichever ones you don'tlike, small business website, you just delete. and then once you finished, you have all thesekeywords. you have, i think it's like 800? look at that 800 keywords and you go throughand delete the ones that you dont like. very simple, easy way to actually do it. and theones on the left, are the ones that you can use.
4) the fourth free keyword search tool youcan use to find your competitor�s seo keywords is once again using google keyword planner.let's go back to the keyword planner. and we're going to modify the search. and herewhat we going to do. here's the difference when you're searching for your competitior'skeywords. simply, type in your competitor's website address in the field �your landingpage�. so let's type in, see here, i wanna know what home depots doing, homedepot.comand then click get ideas.what will happen is it will search out your competitor's, waita minute, we'llget rid of that. we do it one more time. there we go! so we have home depotnow. and you see what happens is that it went through pull up all source of keywords thatare, well whatever your competitors website
is. it searches for low ceiling fans, kitchenfloors look all of that. this really helps you a lot. so what you do is you review thelistings, scroll down to view them all and see the collection of keywords including adgroup ideas. and it's simple and quick. and again, if you want to save just click on thedownload button, it give you download option or as i mention before you can go throughand save individual ones to your file. so its simple and quick. 5) the 5th free key word suggestion tool issuing we're going to go to soovle right now. very interesting name you keyword suggestions from the top search engines on the web. what you dois you simply type in the phrase and you see
what happens. were gonna type in small see all all these different search engines coming out.small business coaching, here wego. and you see it pulls up keywords from wikipedia, from google, amazon, yahoo, bing,youtube and it gives you all these different suggestions. so we put it back to small business,you always have the keywords popping out under wikipedia under, google, amazon,yahoo. and you can rotate around by by pressing right arrow button on yout keypad to rotatethe reposition of the other results. you see there are plenty of keywords. you can optimizeto rank in differently in search engines. so this is pretty cool and awesome free tool. and finally, this last method is the bestmethod for when you want great results from
your seo keywords for your website and business. 6) now the 6 and final keyword research suggestiontool is our �bullseye target� seo keyword research report. this is the choice of seriousbusiness owners who want to get results quickly without wasting a lot of time and money. doesn�tit make sense to have experienced, expert seo professionals do the work for you? we�lldo in depth keyword research and find lucrative terms within your niche that can help youincrease your websites traffic, impressions and most importantly your profits. we usepaid seo keyword research tools that cost hundreds of dollars each month. not the freestuff which only gives you cursory information. we�ll find up to 800 keywords in your nichemarket. especially those lucrative low competition
keywords. look at all these keyword, oh mygoodness, garcious it goes on and on. we go on the bottom look at this thing..bam! 802and includes all those lucrative competitions keywords your report includes first of all the keywords,the monthly searches, the seo traffics, seo traffic is how much traffic you can anticipategetting on 1st page, 1st page position ranking in search engines, very handy stuff and alsocompetition for your tile, url, adwords cost per click, we even analyze your top ten competitors.see competition down here? wouldn't you like to know what they are doing to ranks so well?this is again how to find keywords of competitors a lot more targeting. you get the page rankof the domain, this thing is very exhausted,
what on site optimization they have done,this is for your competitors still, the optimization that they have done, the number of backlinksto their domain plus much more. and this is the best way how to find out you competitor'skeywords. if you really want to target and laser focus your seo marketing, this is thebest thing. we even include here a help section and thehelp section report makes it easy for you to understand. it covers everything, everythingi have showed you. all the seo trafficm what is this thing means, the backlinks, broadfresh match, exact fresh match, that sort of thing, it makes it very simple for you.and even if you have questions afterwards, we�ll even answer your questions as well.all of this for just $199. i didn�t stutter.
just $199. remember you�ll be using thekeywords in this report for the life of your business. so it�s an excellent investmentfor you that continues to pay off year after year. click on the link below this video tolearn more. if you enjoyed this �how to do keyword researchto find the right seo keywords for your website and how to find out what keywords your competitorsare using?� video, then do us a huge favor and share it with 2 or 3 of your closest friendsor colleagues�or more. they�ll definitely thank you for it. plus, make sure you subscribeto our channel right now so you don�t miss out on our powerful videos�where you learninnovative ways of getting new customers and growing your business to the next level.
and if you�d like to know more about gettingthe perfect money making seo keywords for your website and business with our �bullseye�target seo keyword research report, go to or simply clickon the link below this video. i�m dillon with social media top team. don�tmiss our next video when we cover �what�s the domain authority of your website basedon and how do you improve your website�s domain authority score?� see you next video!