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time-warner monahan monahan television journal of the implementationof the aisle broker you every monday wednesday and friday a presentation of the laundry list ofall what happened later on laundry the world's most are led watch and what's not distinguished companion to the world onads on gene good evening

pisses frank night may i introduce mister william bradfordculated noted author an analyst and editor in chief of the launching cosco at mister cochran's press editor ofnewsweek magazine our distinguished guests for thisevening is the honorable harold validate united states congressman from illinoisand chairman of the on american activities committee stability is a pleasure to welcome you click on a scope again

and our viewers of course no u_s_chairman of the rather pallet controversial house un-americanactivities committee and tonight if you tell us something about the your plans for nineteen fifty threelocal band for stardom investigation welcome mr uranium mister hinson wonder sure first of allthe news of the great pleasure to be on your but very fine program again

as to who first area of investigation i believe that i think that the rest ofthe members of the committee concur with me in this than her first movie here's to weed outthe communists and fellow travelers and people lose their properly known uh... from the executive branch ofgovernment any particular partner well uh... primarily the state department and thedepartment of defense

photoreceptor we are able to do that andi think the next important thing is true act as a watchdog committee do see that uh... no commies are theserver seems of any kind infiltrate the new eisenhoweradministration the first uh... thing i suppose is fearing that the at the holdovers the people who were in a great in theprevious administration who haven't yet

been discharge from government uh... intellectually inferior is goingto take quite a long while changeover control of the executive departmentgovernment is going to be a gradual process i'll show you you mentioneduh... that you've been investigating the statedepartment bank is fairly well known that you mentioned the defensedepartment now r_u_ directing in major investigatingeffort at the defense department now sent to prison turner's worms have beenyou know the very important witness in thedepartment of defense

and kristen and it's impossible for meto say anything more about that at this time but uh... we do expect to earn a show ofthat several of the people in the last administration and uh... where but very close to beingmet communists and very close to the soviet government dofeel that any of them had uh... apart in influencing

policy and certainly i do and uh... ibelieve that we will be able to prove that they eventually important lucy in the defense departmentas i think the important policy in the past and you think these people hadaccess to uh... to secret information in the defense department i need to do believe that is true hannahand we have and of course uh... in the past investigations into the defense department uh... who've been blown investigations in thesignal corps intelligence in department

and we've been other investigationsuh... well of course was perhaps remember we had general wallersinglesnet ahead of the c_i_d_ wrote in philadelphia and said that hecould give us some testimony in executive session music closedsession and he couldn't possibly give us in the open session which we were havingat that time so we have had some investigations intothe defense department refused to believe that while it is in june

extremely serious and that is something that we have togive our attention to an meted out to the north goes and you anticipate takingup for example the room we didn't see any has been infiltratedor certainly certain about his saving the central intelligence yes that'sright nasser one of the you say that you want to protect theu_s_ inherit ministration from subversives

uh... do you expect to get day higherdegree of cooperation from the eisenhower administration did you getfrom the truman administration certainly but when i say that uh... toprotect the uh... eisenhower administration i don't meanthat in a political way i think the protection of the eisenhoweradministration will certainly be a protection of the american but they're not there to do expect to and as we in congress

in the legislative branch do expect toget a lot more cooperation from the executive branch isn'tlistening in the past specifically on the matter of uh... iremember that our viewers will remember that uh...president truman repeatedly refused to turn over to certain executive filesthat you do you think the president eisenhower will make those executivesounds of able to u yes but i understand i don't believe that uh... presidenteisenhower mr j under hoover mister brown ale or continuing unit captain and he is

should be all of their informationthrough the legislative branch there is certainly judo school you know i i i i didn't personally wantto ask for anything that i didn't think they could give uniform referring to is the loyaltyfiles of the various departments in the executivebranch i believe that you know jim and access to those now the committee itself of course isthat uh... as i say a very controversial careernowadays that martin diets with his

first chairman now do you feel that the committee todayit has that a degree of public support that has never had yes i do from all the letters that uh...come into our committee in the coming through to me you know i was in the day unit we may have uh... by far greatmajority and i would just be asked about ninety percent of them are favorable to the work that the americanactivities committee has been wooing the problem do you still have been in publicacceptance of the work if any problem

well there are always so you know uh...level people who've never accepted me program let me undertake handed becauseit might affect them and you know do you have a lot of left-wingers a lot ofuh... phillip it was a lot of people who ruledobject to anything we do regardless of what it is what about and what about uh... money hedid your committee spend more money than any of the committee

and congress seems to do when was the smallest committingmembership we don't have my members on the unamerican activities committee really needs to happen soon numbers intothe fifties than unnerve corporation in which we'regoing to ask for this year's three hundred thousand therefore unless thereis nothing seems to be fifteen thousand hours more than that we used last year karoon unbelievable committees of thecongress do not have the same problematic with

as presented to us uh... lemkin from the extensive files as we keep themi want to say here now that all of our files too an inspection bunbury westernintelligence agencies of the executive branch including ninety nine is alongwith them certainly do-able and uh... we intend to continue

routine who is a man with a member ofcooperating with an addition to the investigation of the defense departmentand leave it at the most controversial finger about todo is some investigation of timbers of their lives subversiveactivities in the colleges do you expect to get around to theeducational system of this year you know some of the first witness is we willcall there will be in professors and people who are interestedin indication i want to say

that brian lawrence we have had thecooperation paid great number of universities andcolleges throughout the country they want to know foods and you knowsubversive influence is operating in there individual at colleges and universitiesbut what about the objection the loyalty oaths and university who is a considerable objection to alittle too many of those states uh... remember when we do have a new americanassociation of university professors and which is a very ripples organization

unwilling to reason to object june loyalty oaths but i believe that one we'll conclude our investigation memberhearings and then burned for me in this uh... the uh... a lot of people who havehad objection concerning meet loyalty oaths who have been a lotof these loyalty oaths of workable efficiently what the exactly who theyachieve in university

really good you know certainly uh... when theperson's surrounds me uh... loyalty co-author which is someone similar to me how non-printingarea non-communist affidavit under the tenthardware recruitment points uh... before he signsthat both uh... for fear of being the prosecutor perjury local resigned

and i'll show you what you were with thef_b_i_ before you went to congress or something opinion in sri lanka legendsof the country who mostly in fifteen minutes to restoreinternational continue feel that there is more or less communist activity in theunited states today there's a growing or is it uh...becoming less probably the actual communist activity has uh... become lessand at several years and has been uh... since nineteen and quality andquantity well it's important to you mean possiblywanting quantity and he was still a very

real immediate danger and the uh... infiltration then comes from your personal are controlledby the soviets hidden andrea soon moves in uh... from institutions in on yourinvestigation of education

you feel that you have the cooperationof most of the educational institution dot do you think the teachersorganizations will were resistor investigating on the oneyou control certain i didn't think that we will have the cooperation of thegreat to majority of our educationalinstitutions former state first of all that they werenot concentrating on anyone individual institution except lows direct communist schools forinstance the link to

the california labor school of jeffersonschool or was cool what you're going to increase labor andcommunism directly and undergrowth implements independenceparty and has a final question sir if you don't feel that that you're going to rally civil rights in this investigation thrillers and possibility that we mightuh... in some cases uh...

police admit being with your opinion that we are willing to civil rightsespecially in and we do appear that we won't bedenies it comes to films well thank you very much for being with us this eveningsick when your insurer behavioral figures expressed tonightlebanon colleen at all the editorial board for this edition ofthe launching promise felt was mister william bradford hilly and mister kylethis our distinguished guests was thehonorable harold velvet united states

congressman from illinois and chairmanof the unamerican activities committee how would you go about hiring amanpouran important job when a man or in a box a record of pastperformance of the ambiance pictorial vendio that's why so many sensible people allmonte mopped illness was launching lots of walk offthe record of past performance these worlds fairground prizes and goldmedals each a higher for the where bestowed by many men men many lands thatmany times observatory accuracy awards one justyesterday so to speak are also part of

the lawn jean grecko from the river there could be moved up that launching watches are above andbeyond the og for almost a hundred years long gene has been shown to be close tothe finest watching all the world by every standard beauty integrity of manufacture accuracyand reliability of performance the long been refered made launching theworld's most haunted watch the world's most on again

flaunting premium product of the laundry macmallopt out since eighteen sixty six maker of waters of the highest debt we invite you to join us every mondaywednesday and friday evening at the same time for the long dream comes true a television journal of the importantthis is where they are broadcast on the cop of launching theworld's most honored watch and whatnot distinguished companion

for the world ahmed launching this is right now reminding you that long g_-men would notwant to are sold out of service from coast tocoast by more than four thousand leadingkiller proudly display their family agency wall long-chain mcnaught time for the lawn games on it television journal of the implementationof the aisle

partial you every monday wednesday andfriday presentation of the laundry list of allwhat happened and what distinguished companion to the world onads on g good evening that the fact that man and reduce our quoted us for thisedition of the laundry brownsville mister william bradford delayed at atime of the american workers and mister henry has left contributing editor of newsweek magazine

our distinguished guest for this eveningis the honorable gilday stop junior united states representative frompennsylvania the opinions expressed are necessarily those of the speaker congressman scott his former head of therepublican national committee and that is one of the architects of theeisenhower campaign i'd like to begin by asking you plans a campaign going to start tomorrow

about the middle of the day would say eisenhower makes an important speech inatlanta georgia that will be followed by speeches inother florida's in florida cities in alabama in arkansas and then by their importantforeign policy speech in philadelphia on the fourth september could you tell us what topicsyou going to speak on us on these for speech is better for theirfree speech he will talk generally on a mass in washington what he thinks aboutit uh... with some specific instances

and uh... i am quite sure what becauseuh... have some advance information that theywill be very forthright fighting here meetings with governor stevensonthere is a mess in washington well i'm sure a breeze of governors toexam that is a mess in washington i'm sure that he is very angry about it as ain morro uh... in the way in which he prepares hisspeeches and i think we're going to get the benefit of that this bs fight after all as i see it

is against it harry truman's that government and harry truman'scaptive canada and harry truman's having taken greatleadership of this campaign stevenson's a secondary issue uh...truman in his uh... the milwaukee labor day speech yourecall that azeri as said in a practice stevenson whatshall i do it on the boss are run this thing and you take your lead from his doyou think the battle from the former

owner of the essentially between uh...president truman and general eisenhower by doing so because i don't think thatuh... instrument could keep out of it don'tthink that uh... issue of truman as im which is equivalent to bad governmentcould possibly be kept out of it and i think that uh... mister truman'scaptive cavities just stuck with harry do you think that uh... there have beenthe feeling it general eisenhower first could not effectively make the caseagainst the democratic

friday and then second that probably hewould not make the case now you can't answer after your weeks if you spendwith him agenda last now is going to prosecutethe case against the democratic party yes i'm satisfied that he's going toprosecute a case against the president administration which goes under thetitle of democratic visits is not a democrat for democraticcompetitors truman as a it's a mess so that's what do you thinkthat it's been a statement that he would not resort personalities now that thepresident has attacked him do you think that he will uh... at leastresort to the press to the personality

of the president i think that he canattack this whole thing that's wrong without necessarily calling anybody anybad names because they the battle order and the bad names have already beenestablished an eight his job to find out what's wrong the government in power let's take one of the personality asnamely the secretary of state i believe that the

persistence is on record as having saidthat he didn't have the faintest idea of whether he would uh... describes thestatus of the night do you think that general eisenhower hashas a something of the farmer had the rest of course of action there i don't think there's a singled out inthe world the madison worse the work of stupid enough or foolishenough to read maybe an obvious next january that he would be final question he'd befine but i think at december resign on

me first wednesday after the first used inthe military but an american voters the extent can then make a choice on that point if you have to tears it stevenson he doesn't know whether youget rid of that this is that if you wish to use that in our he knows he'syesterday met captive and the victim of men who are pretty smart and among thosemen are being that person who has control of foreign policy ofthis country to it

soviet man who has led us down the road toweakness in the face of jeremy vandalism hesitated to deal with those who are enemies of ourgovernment every week need monte carlo uh... milk and water fresh in the manhas doctor golden eisenhower there's no question you go on the stevens and idon't think stevenson

is that is in a position where you can get redof these old men of the cd that have been playing to the the democratic ship well general eisenhower has said that some terrible blunderswere made in korea in are getting into career now is he going to spell out in detailwhat those blunders warranted uh... unlimited quite sure whether the is going to spellthem out because he will make several

speeches on foreign policy and one ofthe men ever to be more than one would have to deal with the kind of a war that we've gotteninto which we can leave the wind knows nonstop unlimited trail runners labor day speechspoke of all those people who have benefited so much uh... from uh... as he said from a on higher wage

i can't think of a hundred and thirtyseven thousand gag orders in korea whomever benefit from anything that mister truman hasdocked in general eisenhower going to defend the taft hartley act against theattacks of stevens and and uh... the president i think that uh... generalized knowledge likely take the position and i cannotundertake obviously speak for him but i'm we have that he would take the

republican position which is that thelabor management act nineteen forty-seven operates family in the interest ofpeople who laurin labor union labor or not you knowit i think uh... again mister truman has given us the keyto it but he points out that union labor used to have three million people simply labor management act all the tafthartley act of nineteen forty seven out sixty million people in unit

all of them boilerplate all of them with their living conditions but they're probably right because thereis a good bit of an accident of his work to the advantage of labels and how themajority of democrats in congress think about these attacks on the taft hartleyact in the majority vote of the house and ofthe senate hope for the tax hartley act on speakingon the democratic majority the alleged to have got my recollection that theydid yet predicted and then they also majority in congress

also recommend or express the hope thatthe president will deal with the taft hartley act in the steel strike and ofcourse of course they did and that more than that you're interested in theoverall incident the the of the house labor committee was misterbrzezinski at michigan list of those killed one celebrateoccasion said to one of the republican members of the committee we are notgoing to do anything to repeal taft-hartley ought to change it because we're going to have it as amajor will do anything about it and that's mrtruman's position and necessary

i have to be with the stevenson'sposition if he were to be the chief executive that's just got a great deal has beensaid about uh... errors in the eisenhower campaign thus far as one of the have nots strategist doyou think that there have been a resident of the camp why it before so it's uh... factor wise problems for the democraticnational committee i think they've made it quite a fewerisa

there must have been working very hardat it in a short time a pet uh... the the uh... cabinet meeting which showed that this is a must go towashington to get his daughters from harry was one instance i think that show thatthey the hand there is the end of the weiss's avoid subjective at the end ofthe end of the saudi remember that was a hand

mandate through the voices of or is it abit and wave their hands terry on our program last mistook him for a limited summary critical statements about that somehowor campaign before you go on receive periodic or mentioned above blunder and that was the fact thatstevenson uh... admits that there is a mess inwashington now he's going to try to back away from itbut he said it

and uh... he's good at the six syllablewords bring somewhat of a four-letter word misleads well over the whole mister froggy however made some definite predictions as and has he has a reputation as apredictor i believe tonight uh... i'm sure that i viewerswould like for you to predict the way that you i think the campaign will develop in theway the nation ruble well if you think eisenhowerspecifically who has a chance to get a

seven states who are not you know components that make it to predict therebut i did predict that i've now with the reader in his apartment on the firstballot by albert brooks a month predicted that too use film in a month before an element oftwo five five uh... i i would say that if i'm aventure in the phone three oh that eisenhower will win

that he will carry several southernstates that he will have the support all groups and classes in crimes inconditions of americans because he's not a sectarian for a section of the credit defending national karen became amos southend space if you thinkgeneral eisenhower can carry i think it might be unfair to thosepeople who are working so hard in all the southern states to put the finger iscommonly said that among those are

probably junior texas uh... i would think that louisianaelicited mensa reaction against the tide land situation would be one florida andor others well general eisenhower take the position of texas on the title andcase okay position that uh... shivers believe and well i i must admit that he has a substantially taken this position of

texas had a treaty with the unitedstates texas reserve the right to the that all of its land including thoseoffshore and the united states are not to breakany treaty including one with texas the texansdon't like it either or whomever that but as i understand you sir you're one of those supporters of the eisenhower whose completely convinced that the generalwill carry on a very forthright smoking campaign from this point yes i'msatisfied averages a higher monday jim

for the other day that uh... maxim which he may have invented thatyou never campaign with straw hat naturally those people who want un'smouth to win and there's so many of them are anxiousfor him to get started early with labor day is here usually the start of the campaign you expected to start work thank youvery much for being with us tonight there's this guy the editorial board for this edition ofthe mounting problems go flaws

mister william bradford killing andmister henry have our distinguished guests closely onoverview would be stopped east or west no other name on a lot means so much aslaundry the world's most powerful activated lunging watches are sold inservice in all the capitals of the free world the appreciation of things fine andbeautiful universal

judging by the same high standards known as the people the world over agreethat long gene watches are in favor of respect where they are but then world's fairgrand prizes and twenty eight gold medal which impartial juries of express havebestowed upon them for elegance and excellence it was through superior met that smoking became in fact

the world's most on a block uh... whichever launching walk youchoose to make your own rest assured it will bring you were in full measure for greater actors and longer life public flogging watchesare world on it yet unbelievably you made by a dogalthough i can probably get the logging walked for as little as seventy one fifty

long jane the world's most premium product of the long teen but notwhat company maker of lots of of the highest debt we invited to join us every mondaywednesday and friday evening at the same time fall along being promised a television journal of the importantissues of the hour broadcast on the comp of laundry smalls all night long and whatnot

distinguished companion to the world doti don't see business right now reminding you of that long game and witha lot hospitals and service from coast tocoast by more than four thousand leaving do it proudly display their them patron saint paul daunting with norwalk the oral on the artwork walk off we allmorning plunging watches have one can workprogram prices forty eight gold medals

and more on this for accuracy than anyother countries launching the world's most honoredwatches made and guaranteed by the laundry with more what company times on the launching promised us television journal of theimplementations of the aisle presentation of a laundry list of allwhat happened long james the world's most al-kidwa and what's not distinguished companionto the world on and on gene this is frank dot

may i introduce our calendars for thisedition of the mounting products co mister henry steiger editor of argosymagazine and mister william bradford purely editor of the american market our distinguished guest for this evening is the honorable judy stopped doing aunited states representative from pennsylvania the opinions expressed are necessarilythose of the speaker silently in support of snow here is aman whose supporting a great deal of

time to promoting the candidacy ofgeneral eisenhower now obviously you think you're going tohave an active candidate so we want to ask you those old questions about provewhether or not you think you're going to run that we would be interested in yourinterpretation of general of what you think will be general and i waspositions now sir do you believe that general admin ourexpects to wage eight and active campaign and expressesopinions on all the violation

i would certainly expect that the otherside i have heard him say on occasion that when not in uniform have never had anyhesitation in expressing himself vigorously on the issues of the day and i've heard him used the expression uh... the american people will be a nodoubt store and i stand on an important matter do you think that he's too good anamerican to expect to be given the nomination

while the people are still in doubt asto where he stands i think he would feel that the american people are entitled toknow from not only his past speeches but fromhis future comments exactly where you standon matters of great importance them and i think uh... that long before the time thatpeople will have to act they will be fully aware of his views stated without equivocationnow there are many good americans who

are bitterly opposed to the candidacy ofgeneral eisenhower's southwestern slept st p_e_ their there points that they make against him number one they say that he has nostomach for controversy what your opinion on that ship but i think that's that is ridiculous vetting statementi've ever heard because uh... to know generalizing has to know that he has never hesitate to

lay down the law ought to express hisopinion sir as he sees them and i know some of thethings he's had to say the foreign governments i know of one celebrated difference ofopinion with churchill for example and now there's nothing wrong with thatman what about tomorrow either speaking of intestinal fortitude how about uh... such ordinary everyday things is uh...we've even heard of it talk about his week stomach uh... literally speaking well i i was there when they weremarried

some government just spread that thereare more of a sort of smear and they said to me the only thing thathas bothered me the whole time i've been in europe has been the fact this morningi have a cold and wet and uh... that day you may have to go to greateighteen holes of golf which is part of the work it out to play golf every word that governmentsevolved into work after that certainly deserves strong-arm

veroa man don't be met by now that theycome on about that is heading restrain general patton he'shaving uh... uh... generally approving cooperate withrussia policy nineteen forty five forty six is having supported the morgan felt plan now why do you believe that uh...general eisenhower favored be cooperate with russia plan in nineteen forty fivemsexch belong on the contrary i would be inclined very strongly to believe whatyou will find for yourself in the parcel

barriers page seventy six israelis net web pagetwo sixty borders exp fire rated shows that wrap our story points that i can have aright definitely came to grips with checkout that he complained against the fixingabout liability awarded to proceed as far as our military potential willpermit and then another thing the president nota place in the part of ours he expressed grave mistrust of givingany concession away to the russians

at the forthcoming elmer conference andsaid the church you know i hope it will not major concessions to the russiansbecause they can't be trusted about specifically the eight months got uh...there was some talk you know about sharing that with russia at the time ofnineteen forty five forces what was his uh... thought there highlight i could not uh... answer of my owndaughter because i'm not familiar with the controversy but i've you know

that is general distrust of communist his hatred of communism in his distrustof russia would never have a lot of generaleisenhower to constraint for a moment with a bomb orto be shared their reflection on my part of his views in the korean war where he is reluctant to give the as amilitary weapon unless and until there is no other alternative now that you mentioned the altar momentno sir

number one it your opinion that generaleisenhower was consulted before the all the conference it's my opinion that uh... he wasconsulted generally on military and diplomatic matters andthat he did express himself as far as the reports that he did as being verymistrustful of the russians and hopefully a majority would be youropinion that he would have been opposed to the concessions made that presidentroosevelt to russia at the office very definitely feel that and i had andi know of very recent conversations how much he

hates and fear of communism and howanxiously is that the american people respect for the young people will become aware of the dreadful inmorocco menace which communism is it your belief that he understands thenature of the communist conspiracy throughout the world and that he wasn'tallowed in and out of the speaker is no other members in my opinion and i thinkhe has a formal faulty american way of life of the democratic play forthe full weight of the collective security every word i hope to the scenehere in the united states it's often

said that disturbing favored by the trumanadministration of some indication of my pictures of that how do you feel aboutthat writing about that which the general wrote to someone on afirst-name basis not so long ago in which he said i have never then responsible for larsenand responsibility for the positive attitude ministration any administrationduring the forty years which had been in the army

the most american exactly after thati'll show you know i know he's creative to combat uh... the things with whichyou disagree is not would include a lot of truman ism is irate uh... i i don't know if personal trainerbut i don't see how r he could go along with the age at apolicy and i know many of the strongest chriscritics of the age and it caused a who have talk to the general have been expressedthemselves as entirely satisfied

would like i've announced he was on theadriatic paul how most people who are you wouldn't favor a trucking towardcommunism only ania peace now most americans who areandy administrations they wanted battle in nineteen fifty two i think that they lost to truman in nineteen forty eightbecause they didn't have a scripting candidate cited your convictions are that if theynominate general eisenhower they will get that real suspecting candidateanother not another meeting candidate

was not going to say to you mister hereand to the people in this television audience but if a new general eisenhower as i'malan and as many other people who know him better than i do are aware of there's no question of the fact thatthere is much that goes on in our government in domestic and foreignaffairs which he will feel free to criticizewhich we will criticize mister pinkwater fight

my god i will get them because of anawful lot but i hate about this administration and ithink that's it general views are those of a good minded middle-of-the-road republicanabout the macarthur fight and i would expect him to do the same in other was a lot of talk about uh... isaid are in my pocket being at odds could you clear that up i'd like to knowhow they feel about each other well i i i don't uh... i can'tcompuserve said how one man feels about another attorneys mine and i don't knowbut i did all that

that so far as i have any information hold each other in america and if each of the bags as much of theother as i think of both of them or there can be no cause for the statecontroversy with your few people would like to throw out he got to go up as agreat night and i guys now is a great man amonggreat man i find a mutual respect for that capacity well i think thateisenhower is such a fighting man is he going to come up pretty soon and anduh... and uh... state his candidacy in further

are so we're going to find out about i think that is the question which your only got going to get answered by general regardhimself but i would expect of long before the convention he will be in civilian life again out ofuniform and for you had to these question aboutsalary and how about in march mr simon you know we've got that would be a bitsurprised you happen to have shipped primary on march eleven february couldhappen in market will depend upon the

completion of his job i think that that most of our debt youwould like to be interested in your answer to this question suppose general eisenhower does campaignfor the republican nomination and suppose for some reason he loses it do you think that he would then supportthe republican in a campaign of nineteen fifty two i'vesaid that i'm charlie convinced that he's a republican therefore i applied that standard

i'm sure all of that no matter how wemade the phone now with after the convention all of us will be united to get rid ofthis violence administered has come to beknown as truman as a man i would expect any other republican which would includethe their eisenhower into their life would feel the same way you do you think that general eisenhower neelu ruled support in america doyourself

consider yourself a liberal as it's nowused an american politics uh... i don't think that uh... you know i got to know myself would want to use the word neveroverestimate what it meant that i have a quotation from heaven which he said thedefinition of a member of the camera man in washington wants to play the almighty without money no it's not that kind of a level and ithink you'd be very careful with the

pocketbook in the press strings of thegovernment eyes if you'll be in a progressive a modern minded met on the road mid-century american who share theapprehensions of other apprehensive americans yes and i hope i'm that kind iguess they realize that ideas are very much for coming out lead editorial board for this edition ofthe launching promise no one's mister henry speaker and mister williambradford julie our distinguished guests will be audiblejude's stopped doing a united states

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a television journal of the importantissues that they are broadcast on behalf of laundry the world's most on edline and whatnot distinguished companion tothe world ahmed launching so that if they have a from coast tocoast by more than four thousand speaking tous who proudly display their family agency pall mall jean what na locked hai

on or part online plunging watchers have one camera for agrand prizes forty eight gold medals and moreover for accuracy than any otherparty probably the world's most honoredwatchers made and guaranteed by the loaded with my wife company planned for the probably television journal of the important interms of the hour hostile you every monday wednesday and friday

launching the world's most common law and with distinguished companions of the world ona daunting remain but the fact that narendra deals are co-editors elizabethinvolved along involved that they were here at the killingseditor of the american workers and that they have remarked editor ofthe freemen and contributing editor or for newsweek magazine our distinguished guests for thisevening if the honorable john blvd

it's a stronger from from in the apt are necessarily those of the figures within the review where representativesintrigue i believe in indiana and that is the wrong wouldn't pullwho's now on the basis of walk in prison non-financial interests are harmfulaudiences gravely concerned about the fate of americans abroad andspeaking of americans and warm and i'd like you could tell us some of thebackground of that case he has prepared for it village

seems to me in the end of week to do progress in the business that i had theprivilege for everything in fact really the only twenty milesfrom my home town of all taxes on the backs of all that c_n_n_'s ralph wenge decided that junior of the newspapers and the part of the disappearance of buildersand indeed in the art began to repeat telephone call

and telegram from the people needed toget convicted himself reported to be prepared to dothat by pierre had disappeared consensus on but in fact he would be turned overtheir heads and so she did learned that he was arrested i think was on the following davidtwenty-six reported that he had been improvement and it was very animated i can produce resolution in bisbee thanks i introduced government thatpresident clinton has other members of

congress to do likewise enough said that's of course is justanother one of the americans have been an effect grabbed it that these russian satellite countries that's correct we definitely juliet repaired twice inthe people back home after all builders that's another person with the new threatened poppy plant ransom purposes

as many of the problem very simplybefore the grand canyon deposit the nation's alone so in europe and then uh... just for trainingpurposes the on the case against the navy's number contained barone'sbeautifully advises against us well of course he said he was sign this he was mine and he was really getting new cleanany other movement

what it would be i mean if you would find a lot of people look could be a not a mockery of the trial offood and they have a if they have it but matters none of the american uh... uh... theembassy officials were politically isn't it yet they think they have a confessionfrom whales the chances are in the report seemed quite true that he wastortured method of bringing the confession fromhim with secured but net message

by the way i might say that at the trialthe only to americans fitted at the back of the room and so we do have a transcript of theproperty taken for him one woman secretary but what wasactually talked again for meeting with that isn't going to be a bitcorresponded more or less getting there was little doubt about it from their point of view however did notget the move directly from their four children public servant of propaganda isn't allthat certainly within the movement

are audience them can understand that there is anamerican do indeed beauty and and and a foreign country suddenly season throwninto jail in subject the pocket now the question becomes what can we do and whatare we doing about it it will be a lot like to get wanted to tell us first ofall over what background was and wanted actuallyhas been done it had not been done now contraceptive resolution of your did not actors and market that provides their resolution which would help doingconcurrent resolution two hundred and

fourteen assistant to the congress that they trade relations with czechoslovakian other ways to improvethe economic it doesn't have anything to do at thattime with the seventh of diplomatic relations and that the state department toanything affective along that line will they employ effort we might trulybelieve that the featured length with hillary clinton presenter book september

intending to put on the fact that wehave booked purity that constitutes a trade mission with respect to the fact of life part ofcourse sever their relations with linguistic undergoing really going to love him on trademe care i might and for the wave we haven't hadvery much for granted

attentive at the facts about me neverdealt with it audits at failed for the millions oflives of all thanks for your review already the americans last april therefore can we do as a nation in west lafayette louisiana and recommended a new york ny resolutionone course of action what about uh... severing diplomatic relations with these people

well at that time it was self-interest bettered part of wisdom they're part of our words of wisdom thatmight be good having another method to use another two weeks than others bring to a bull in other words economic sanctions that were proposed bythis resolution if they did not to go to the top

abandoned a proposal to institute reputedinstitutes ever relations with type of uh... younger and your effort said to get through loaded his release uh... have you had uh... cooperationsatisfactory cooperation from the state department franklin i have had beer i'd spielberg

cooperation they have to do that certain things have been done rathernever the turn of the night still think the report you've approvedhave reported to me what's the matter is if we could get it some changes for freedom of movementcomplete and correct the difference i want to point out to you live innineteen hundred and fifty one several months waiting for that matter when they putcorporations

still imported more merchandise unitedstates that was important wire your like two hundred and fortynine and nearly as much of the important making hundred and fifty says that we haven't been looking at onepoint thirty six now i have seeing all this economy for asking for a formal grant form of blackmail feeling today was started

what does that fit your pattern thatfinally whispering that will be uh... they have two hundred and twentythousand level is for the forum format motivator for flyers were put down inthe would remember the bulletin we had a meeting for a day in trying tomake a trade i don't know that marvelous finalists of motive forces stationed there will be put inprison for seventeen one and uh... i believe this is true surveyed mr barbour credit for his relates to the press intohis life

and there's no credit for the statedepartment figures released a lesser extent breakthrough in fact this is theman i had the pleasure of meeting and during a meeting with mister misterrobert wolders and the very impressive visit methods that are going to messwith older who work untimely non-fiction before hisrelease but also to the press and the review country best wavered in his big performance in thenew place the order of payment from the

game for resources needed to what we were in forthe four american flying i with the state emphatically no overtime theyrejected this republic when we were very small and we could play brinkmanship here who's the harrison ford reports being the main even then remember thepresident said that if you do with it more leadership

stock with that type of recovery i think it's quite believe our dignity even considered incurable and i'd liketo have to look forward to form a seemingly weaponry without breaking off diplomatic relations repetitive on c_n_n_ why should we concluded that thenation's walkable get out of the doubt outside of humiliation and insult

and the things we need to do nothingabout represented there and the irish penises given or rather the reason that theycan't get me in some instances this isn't as long as we have adiplomatic relations there in the country we do have the people in the validity of this things of that argument provided wonderful if they're getting araw oysters

feeding the method of putting up with meclose here by the same token haven't they wanted and over forty fourwitnesses but a milestone for them not all that the bank that's everything theywanted to have access over their heads to everything and while there were a kidand fifty extremely safe in uh... in those countries or a representative ofthe intended recipient of the number of employees and and and and you just think about it there are ways by which we could hitthem in the pocketbook that we are not using isn't that correctprocurement through one of the movement

probably isn't flowed from the fact is saying isvessels on the possible for them we meet our american dollars first of all would be well for the region currently and the need for the propaganda purposesthese impressive propaganda thinking that what you'redoing but extensively i think now sir our eyes and selectedvoters agency on the way they got out of

hollywood because the american press inamerican people that enough i suppose that some of our listenerswould like to have yet they'll notice out what can i just couldn't believe thedefendants as a practical matter het wel there are a lot of things president foryou because in that figure right for me i'mworking along with that kind of neglect cannotreceive letter community many other i waited every

who's interested in the businesscommunity and we'll return after all we are in arow notices more message symbols of a given man anymore he's a symbol of freedom of incomplete without being put on the line i'd like for every person right topresent for women to secretary of state action memphis as he speaks in positive action ratherthan just back from the reform validation very much appreciated

the here newsies tonight and thank youfor being with us the editorial board for the position ofthe launching carlos beltran mister william bradford killing and mister henry have our distinguished guests was thehonorable john blvd united states congressman from india winter olympic games recently completedin oslo were actively time by logging do want them and the hundreds of

arora plaza telegraph logging equipment used for all oftimekeeping during the winter olympic games of nineteen fifty two for work thanks for your valuable cooperation signed the organizing committee now that the wonderful telegram and wrong

from james was actually official watchfor the three grades exports of end of the year the winter olympic games alpha prepared for the very end gameprogressives in venezuela and the first on american games held inblood are even our computer and i were proud to announce that the united states olympic committeehas selected logging waters for signing all of them for the direction of the united statesolympic team of nineteen fifty two

so you see wherever website timing isimportant sometime the preeminent choice of water is launching they only want in history fluent and welfare grand prizes twenty eight co levels and higher power for accuracy from theleading government services long day in the world

premium product of the long game of golf since eighteen make a profit of the highest we invited to join a every mondaywednesday and friday evening at the same all along the info developing developing important then tothe payoff broadcast on behalf of not being in theworld most ahmedabad and with no i don't think we'vecompanion to the world

bankunited reminding you that loandemand but now i want to ourselves and forever from coast tocoast by more than four thousand leaving hereon earth who proudly displays a cameraman hazen paper on on being written off leave or on the locked leave in plunging watches have one can workprogram prices twenty eight gold medals and more on this for accuracy than anyother time fees launching with more watch company

its timing for along gene product type television journal of the vital ofthem so they are brought to you three times weekly a presentation of the lawn jamie whatnorwalk stopped maker on launching the world's most onit lots and what not distinguished companion to the world onit on g good evening this is ranked nine th man produce article editors for thisedition of the launching prosto

doctor young from ac formerly ambassador from czechoslovakia and member of the advisory committee ofthe united nations mister william bradford puri editor of the american mercury our distinguished guest for this eveningis the honorable alternate armstrong united states congressman from missouri in this fontaine yes and unrehearseddiscussion the opinions on essar allay those arethe speakers

congressman uh... uh endeavours listeners will remember nearly fouryears rendered story is not a cousin reader's digest i believe you are you're from themissouri ozarks aren't you that i personally i live in springfieldmissouri and i thrive in the middle of the ozarks your republican from that state thereare national leader dot i'm uh... republican

where we would be a progressiverepublican nicely the nice there where an r and r list miserably mostinterested and what you're doing in congress yourefforts to free the splendid american journalist bill moyers now out how did you come to champion uh... datemister ortiz well mister healy uh... being ajournalist uh... myself former newspaperman magazine writer

i hear was uh... connected with the ideathat something should be done when the communist regime ofczechoslovakia imprison this man uh... simply because as we felt that hewas going about his duty so i a m produced an amendment to aresolution in congress which called upon our government toah... cut off trade relations with a communist regime of czechoslovakiaunless he is free you are of course convinced ofresolution innocent of all it's charges have been made against him all yes indeed and i'm sure um... theuh... my colleagues in congress agreed

on that but uh... what steps have have now been taken to free thestudents uh... while mister he laid out in the resolution which was passed bycongress uh... calls upon our government to break trade relations which acts as avoc ea unless mister ellipses free now that resolution was passed uh...i'll believe doctor happen etc you will

recall the date the passages up thatresolution it was named alarms we sleep well at any rate doctor sincethat time uh... considerable pressure has been thewhat on the czechoslovakian government as you know uh... to free this uh... americannewspaper correspondent but unsuccessfully now we think it is time to put in thebook what all the pressure that we can

jargon free what particular steps have been taken prior to your actions prior to the action all congress on myresolution uh... the president the secretary ofstate and others in the executive departments have made some moves uh... to free mister elvis those moveswere for the most part we felt her at least a great many othersin congress felt that they were just laughs all the rest

ever not strong enough and therefore we went ahead with thisresolution now at the present time uh... i have uh... and produced a new resolution uh... which would make that backing offof trade relations with czechoslovakia mandatory in other words uh... they would bebroken off by congressional action now there have been some other movesmade for example

prohibiting the airplane traffic uh... from prague the capital ofczechoslovakia and other points in that country from prime across to the occupied zoneserved germany this i think is hurting them at least uh... i think it is whatdo you think dot that seemed to me it seems that therehave been done because the gimmick connections with thewest very important to behavior cut you off

and that's costing them money costingthem money going definitely and uh... there you can not context the rest of the same way as the couldbecause most of the other alliance uh... americans and others uh... sculpting wants to get theslovakia too now who are wired doctor was alwaysseized in the first place was he sees as a hostage

of in my opinion uh... the purpose walls to having as ahostage for a future purposes and that though some of those purposeswhether they want from last ah... whether they want to hear you know if iwere one of these incidents they were complaining and are still complaining of the so the voice of america and then you but i'll pass the timedeveloping from uh... munich uh... erected to czechoslovakia and isay i would urge to intimidate harass

and intimidate and perhaps proof premium is these broadcasts would be stopped bacteria and congressman obstacle to askyou you are a presumption especially the second one is it is uh...footballs that excuse that order will be a part orbitand general policy all that the united states over whether it is intended justfor the purpose of helping two thirty

that mister okies well doctor papa neck uh... one of the resolution uh... is directed at the specific caseoperating this american citizen and correspondent uh... it is the settlement of mycolleagues in congress i'm sure uh... that this day a test case and that it set a precedent and that player ever in any of the ironcurtain countries under the domination

of the soviet union free citizens are imprisoned unjustlythat in the future of the red regime of that government will be given notice sothat we are going to take every step possible to protect them i'd hope thatthe resolution in adopted will conduct every case and uh... that they would not be anyexceptions well that's exactly what we hope it willdo uh... the resolution as you understand uh... calls for the cutting off ofexports from

this country from the united states to your fatherland project was locked up uh... biaxin out the commerce departmentin other words the cutting off of all permits to export goods from this country likewise uh... the treasury department which hascharge up imports from czechoslovakia to this country would prohibit

any transactions that would permit trade uh... promptechoes the rocket to the united states so it would be a complete blockade uptrading either way despondency when uh... dental appt life etc tremendously that people ofczechoslovakia whose morale luda b strengthened

to misbehave cease the communist regime and they have strong resistance and thenczechoslovakia now dr definitely their needs uh... yep i would say that over ninetypercent of the people of opal's betty jean but uh... that uh... sec jails are full that today are executions at practicumevery week

that uh... uh... the forced labor campsare for but about three hundred thousand peopleout there without proof that babies any of these things alarmed by the hair explanation of thatdoctor because we and congress and certainly the american people do not want to penalize the people of czechoslovakia we feel that they are the victims ofcommunist aggression however we feel that uh... if this stepis taken

and of those people out the resistance of the underground the anti communistforces in czechoslovakia they will be willing to make whatever sacrificesneeded in order to strike directly at the communist regime is panic they will be happy to have to cancel and got to be no also that uh... economic relations spade innovations

doing bit last month or the last ten years that have to helpi mean he portant the soviet military build-up because it was a lot to important on theraw materials and now i a congressman after all delegates is an individual and what i meant to be honest whetherthis is going to be effective in getting them and out values when do you think otis will bereleased well mister delay that is a sixty four dollarquestion so far as mister elvis himself

his concern and as you say he is a few months we want to freeing him we do we do notwant to partially buchanan who predicted just how long of a impressive when doyou think you'll be released almost reviewer i believe when this blockadebecomes a fact i believe that he will be freed within afew weeks within three or four weeks from now than you think there's a goodchance to be a little bit free i think there is a good chance of the of thefree however i think that he will be freed whenmoscow

tells the rep regime of czechoslovakiadifferent now thank you so much for being with us packaged the editorial board for this edition ofthe launching telescope laws doctor john for product and mister william bradford curie our distinguished guest was thehonorable ok armstrong congressman from missouri one of the most interesting monuments innew york isn't herald square

it's a replica of the talk of medievaldays which was simply a striking the earth there was no doubt meltdowns thrust tolling bell whom rockcreek park non how and went back in the distant past the worldwatch

was first applied to a timepiece whenthe time could be read rather than her and way back in eighteen sixty six at eighty five years ago the first lol gene watts was made created to the ideals that forever and whatever the name long gene would be placed only on the finest watches whichmechanical skills could produce how well successive generations oflaunching watch makers have followed

this idea is reflected by the public on islaunching watchers have one ten world's fair grand prizes twenty eight gold medals and highest honors for accuracy from theleading government observatory the ball game watch is not being shownby fine jewelers throughout the land in every detail of performance andbeauty the perfection which today's launchingwatches have attain it's a fair statement

throughout the world no other name on a watch means so muchas launching the world's most honored watch preemie our product of the loan gene but na watch company maker of authors of the highest etc reminding you that our program isbrought to a three times weekly

so want to join us again wednesdayevening but on seeing protestants that television journalism by two ofthem so they are broadcast on behalf of launching the world's most ahmedabad what not listing with companion for the world aredaunting so then service broncos to go

by more than four thousand leading toothers who proudly displayed the emblem agency bought on teamwork kaam hota luxury promised a television journal of the importantissues of the offer roughly elaborate monday wednesday andfriday presentation outlet on jane what's notwatch company playground bomb jane the world's mosthonored watch and whatnot distinguished companion tothe world dot i don t

good evening this is frank not mail and reduce octal additives for thisedition of the ron jane prosto larry of this error c_b_s_ newscorrespondent at august texture chief editorial writerfor the new yorker of review our distinguished guests of this evening is the reverend doctor edward l art s pastor of the national presbyterianchurch of washington d_c_ during this christmas but i think it'sonly fair to say that very few administrations in the whitehouse uh... underscored the place of the

church in our national life as much as president eisenhower has most of us a familiar with the faces of the menaround the president but feel once had a great opportunity to meet the presidential pastor no matter who and president eisenhowerlistens every sunday dot blots and am i right in

thinking that uh... president eisenhower has beenspearheading a something of a religious revival in thiscountry it would seem to be corrected misterseward to report that to in america today we uh... observe two trends on the one hand it wehave been participants in the spectators in whatmight be an a described as mark deterioration and uh... say cultural say

on the other hand in america we areexperiencing a great moral resurgence and spiritualrenaissance the president united states is it seemsto me is by his personal example and his emphasisthey're becoming any symbol of the uh... incipient spurt spiritualrenaissance of our times which it is a retired asst decadent on one side and research doneover i think they're they're the paralleleach other their simultaneous aspects of our debris life

their pressures uh... which probablyoperate uh... against one another what what i thought of assigned to thisdecadence dr lawson i think you that juvenile delinquencyfor example the um... height incidence of crime the insecurity that are all orhomes the fragile of personalities the frequencyof uh... cycle neurotic his supporters it and things of the sword the sensesinsecurity in frustration amongst all these years evidence is it seems to me in the cometrue teachers i think part of our

emphasis on money-making and annamaterialistic aspects of our life might also be emphasizes the evidence on thatpant on the on that site but on the other hand it seems to mewe're it in a rising tide of uh... spiritualrecovery we uh... notice the increased uh... participation in religious activities onthe part name and there's a new seriousness and earnestness on the partof college and university students the quality of the religious leaders itseems to me is markedly improved since

uh... world war either the sale of the bible the spective religious books amongst thebest sellers of month in month out the reappearance of masti evangelism and itwill be active religion on radio and television the through because of theuh... fears of all the facts of war the typesof atomic but barbara partially there's only one of thereasons it would seem to me that uh... through the some of his does arise outconsensus

fear of the communist fear of nucleardevices a of a new world war uh... certainly some of it is due to thefact that that we have discovered the in aptitudeof other solutions uh... to the world's needs and perhaps more basically thananything else it it is a deep wistful listen the heart and soul of uh... menand women to be at home with their maker for whom there so was designed but part of this revival is alive if iimagine renewed church-going more regular habitamong families and people bus tour of the president i think of me it seems tome there's an unprecedented lehigh uh...

church attendance throughout the unitedstates today not only months to not owning one religious group amongst allreligious groups certainly the president has uh... set a great example for regularitychurch attendance he just doesn't miss church was that i did you do have anopportunity to meet the the president before he entered the white house yes ihave met the president uh... before he entered the white house and knew him first as a general thing army and of course uh...

as mister with every american who servedin the european two three four i was under his command one time had been recommended to become the staffchapman for the occupation forces in germany a position which was not uh... and uh... i returned to americafor another position shortly after general eisenhower became chief of staffso i didn't have the privilege of being a staff chapel let me ask you thisquestion do you have any uh... political bias dot gales and uh... david one-party available

methodist late how did you vote innineteen fifty two in nineteen fifty two during theelection campaign missus osman ironic lecture toward the middle east we visited does some twenty educationalinstitutions in egypt and syria and lebanon and jordan and israel andelsewhere so the time did not vote then i pay taxes in california i've paidtaxes in the district of columbia and i'm one of those dis franchisedamericans who've simply cannot vote eyes and say this that hidden at thenation's capital

we in the church tried to minister asbest we can people as people with common religious needsrobbins and people as democrats and three public in this and we believe that washington is is acity in the world where prayer in the ministry religion isdeeply needed and i should say that i'm among those persons today who tremendously hopes the presidenteisenhower will succeed

and be a good president of the unitedstates stockdale's witness the christmas season i wonder whether i could ask youropinion of it recently have been stated in a very powerful seven the christmashas been sentimental eyes here in the united states do you feel that do youthink that something we ought to fight against it certainly is true that there has beena a great deal of sentimentality attached to uh... christmas impression over emphasis onsome of the secular manifestations of

the christmas tied observance which havegrown up around the real meaning uh... it seems to me that the missionall the church today should be too keep the real meaning of christmasallied namely that it is the commemoration of thebirth of our roared jesus christ it is the celebration of uh... the incarnation of glob coming into the life of man in theform of pieces of massacres if you know they've got to tell someoneyou write your sermons unconscious of

any influence you might be wheeling orexerting on the president in your parish eyes should think that any man whoministers to a congregation in washington whether or not the president unitedstates was in the congregation must be deeply aware of the possible impact which is words either inprayers were in sermons might have upon anne persons who would be in hiscongregation alliance must confess that i have not consciously prepared anysermon for any one person's yukio

sermons to any current news item or headline i'vepreached the gospel of jesus christ is i don't understand it have been tossed a tightfight we nancy eight with clarity dies should say that no sermon isprepared to point out a particular current issue but that if anne um... moral or spiritual loan implication that uh... is uh... relevantat the moment but i do not dodge it i face it clearly and speak

do what i believe to be the truth of the gospel as pertains to that adelphia subject okay in reading the bible do you findthat some young people read it too much you might say for the poetry in theliterature other than that they don't pay enough attention to the religious truth i think sometimes that the maybe said to be true of youngpeople but i think it is increasingly

true that young people as well as othersare finding the bible to bt the word of god and theyfind god communicate he himself to them through the words of the bibleanother doctor alvin have you had decided on your topic when the president listens to you atthis christmastime well on them last sunday december nineteenth

uh... the president was in the churchservice and the subject of my sermon was thechristmas a messege is too and i used is text and i think itoverlooked text is sometimes the christmas season the text of the heraldto the shepherd fear not for before i bring you good tidings of great joy which should be too long people seems to me in this

fear ridden world that is one of the messages which thechristmastime should bring to us with deep meaning dot gautam economists are saying thatwe're in for a year of uh... of great prosperity do you think thatuh... religion will fare as well as a uh... material well-being in the coming my prediction is that uh... religion isgoing to can to annual on the ascendancy and is goingto absorb a great deal more of uh... more time and attention on the parkamericans i believe that

and the mir the track back to church initself may not be sufficient it certainly will uh... the real test of it will come whenpeople discover and those were christians that there is a cross inthere fate fitted beans sacrifices means service and that itcosts something to be a christian but if i believe the coming year will bea year of uh... deepening of the spiritual lives of

our people and a recovery uh... under reappraisal of our spiritualbaseball delayed by a pair of christmas scenes that you've known dr lawson for me and i should think for mostamericans this would be a very very christmas it is the first in with many years when marika man of actually not been engaged in armed certainly for me to happy one and oneten years ago when

i was attempting to ministered to men in uniform who were then engaged inthe battle of the bonds i remember with great vividnessadministering communion on christmas eve two men who've doubtless received it that nightfor there last time certainly is cause for thanksgiving but i feel so we know that uh... thepresident attendees

attends church regularly but to othermembers of the cabinet and other administration uh... tender you know anational presbyterian church it it is true that a great many of them attendthe national presbyterian church in addition to the president uh...secretary and missus dallas are part of our congregation secretary mike k of the interior postmaster generalsomerfield mr j_ edgar hoover mr walter williams we have two or three assistance attorneygeneral

question umer military officialsjustices of the supreme court judges and others but i think it needs to be sent to theamerican people that work in tune is a deeply religious city and it's a good city at least it's just as good as the peoplewho are sent to it bhaiya rest of the people of the united statesyou don't think that washington needs religion more than other part of thecountry then

ashes say not more than other parts ofthe country it needs religion for the same reason all-americans and all people whom god has created need religion thank you very much thatyeltsin minister in the shadow here tonight the opinions expressed on the loungingcall the scope where those of the speakers the editorial board for this edition ofthe launching hospital closed larry lesser and august texture

our distinguished guest was the reverenddoctor edward elkhart nelson pastor of the national press the very interactionof washington d_c_ an important contribution was largelymuch later that night at the time to find a for us to originate the idea that's forus to venture bigtime with identical watches i've known and proven act dot owens lament the side they arelaunching created a series of new watches accurate second by second

which time to s and the hundredth of a second in observed retest these watches showdegree of accuracy greater than that required but all international sportsand concept association for timing world req the embarrassment of millions of dollarsand years of time into the fallopian tube ever fired timepieces as a resultof a new what's making principles and left that it may be possible to give greateraccuracy and dependability to all

launching watch doing the laundry and watch which you'llnot wear on your wrist so when next you buy a lot out ofyourself or as an important get remember you made by known or probablygive along came up launching in the world's most art watchthe world's most on ticket premium product of the loan she mustknow what's happening since eighteen sixty six maker of watersof the highest debt this is frank night reminding you thatmachine and with no water are sold in service from coast to coast

by more than four thousand leading to a agency bought on jane what norwalk acknowledging what knowledge or leslieat most a perpetual motion talk created by the fuqra at most problems withoutclimbing without electricity power only five variations and thetemperature of the atmosphere up-close product of the court division of launching left off vision hahaha

all plunging watches at one ten welfaregrand prizes twenty eight gold medals and bar honors for accuracy than anyother time argue the world's most honored watchesmade and guaranteed by the logging would not want company time for the ellen james bond television journalist impartial with harshal u_s_ presentation of the largely what all ihave

the world's most holocaust distinguished companion for the world onits own through the evening mail you introduce our co-editors forthis edition of the laundry in chrome usko mister william bradford hwy editor ofthe american mercury mr paul martin washington bureau chief of the gannettnews service our distinguished guest for this eveningis the honorable richard b russell

united state senator from georgia the opinions expressed are necessarilythose of the speakers senator russell ali ends of course noissue is a distinguished religion who is now a principal contender for thedemocratic nomination for the presidency and tonight we welcome some of your user how i how long have you been in thesenate i came to the senate did januarythirteenth nineteen and thirty three uh... almost twenty years unfortunate now senator al audiencewould like to know just where you stand

in the political spectrum are you andyou'd be reserved well i call myself a middle-of-the-roadof mister hewitt uh... one of my newspaper friends oncelabel me as a sixty percent new dealer during the administration of president franklin droosevelt now are you a critique of the presentadministration well after the side of some of thethings that this administration has done i have supported the overall great dealof the uh... legislative uh...

if requests of this administrationanywhere you sent to you said we were asked for the presidency of the juryjeffersonian democrat now we haven't heard much about that ladycan you tell us what a jeffersonian democrats spies into mutual few peopleproudly paula but gibson stood for the fundamentalfrench police procedure for although the democratic party the unmanned rejectionout they can surely uh... johnson stood for the rights ofthe states as being protection of the rights of theindividual countrymen a bad federal power

he also stood for absolutely incorruptible in theadministration of them or circa russell we haven't had much of what he stood forin the democratic national platform the last twenty years i was well we're everyone would rather false from the fundamental principles of jefferson butthat thank that their millions of democratsthroughout the country that still it hit to the jeffersonian

approach those articulated ever state ofthe union nasser man in your twenty years and incidentally ibelieve you are one of the youngest man who is a candidate for the presidentsaid now you're only fifty four and two that ran up and you know you've been incongress almost twenty years as a chance to ensure that governor mistake beforethat classic god in general did you support most of the legislationmost of the new deal legislation and under president roosevelt

i think that the trend is estimated thatsupported six percent of it was about right and uh... you don't have a bigger sharepart of this program the rural education program farm program than uh... biamby a large number of the measures itwas broke the net and the south as as generally prospered under that and under that legislation has not yes ithink that that's out there soon is is the prosperity of the salvage increasedgreatly in the last few twenty years or

your definition of a jeffersoniandemocrat that you're going to have a considerablerevision say the nineteen forty eight democraticnational platform where you couldn't uh... the an honest exponent of theparty for president there are some features of the nineteenhundred and forty-eight platform that yeah i think the contrary to give shawnfrench food not although not all of that wellplatform was a democratic voters always been that body of the people

and the body of individual rights andliberties and water that's good for the rights of the state practice left exceptin practice here and we've got a democratic president why don't we havehad for for about twenty years now now if you were president senatorrussell would you feel that you have the inherent powers under the constitutionthat mister truman says he has to seize the steel industry othernewspapers a radio stations or anything else lowest-common-denominator out ofthis night of the endurance power dozens of them on the wall anothergovernment of maine

and where there's a statute disconnectedby congress just available to you it's highly preferable to use thatstature rather than to relying on as nablas today managed in here and powers course we must remember that the at thepower to cc is radio the press so i didn't steal ofplans if that exists in the bedroom he alsohas a policy usually begin and labor men would get the around along time in inviting some major shift in me at the desk of the good news they doknow the secretary-treasurer of the

union now that you're telling ouraudience that you are somewhat this period that the president's action i would muchprefer to the burden to the following the steps that they fit leased to get it that could have been employed to resolvethis matter without resorting seeing here in polish had heard that theother questions has been said i don't think mister mckenna dictator but i think that date is that could wellbe the blueprint for some and or you might see in a world of government dayin the future on the strategy mainly

national emergency clause of the tafthartley act yes you know that all a statue of which are having to bend theauthor of when the original draft bill passed which gave me present the power to uh... perceives flannel facility in this country that or refused to uh... supplier

of contracts are necessary for thedefense effort uh... robin purple could anybody wannabold and provide the standard if she had they provide for the method of repayment and don't leave all of those matters upin the area is just uh... matter in this thing a billion here andpolished character senator russell of this matter of inherent part you knowit's another southerner steinhardt curved texas uh... used to bethe attorney general who ruled and told the president that he had in here forsome of the constitution and time parks now in the supreme courtwhich would be the court a last resort

if anybody ever wanted to test thistheory of inherent powers wellness mob negotiate juliet in sports when she wasbeing the best had been a number of british agent whichmajority this pennsylvania court handed down that did not jive with my construction of the constant remainunstable the senate after all now you are a veryactive candidate for the democratic nomination for the presidency and sorapidly we'd like some of your views on specific issues now number one

about how many delegates do you expectto have at the convention in in chicago i hope to have a as many as four hundred and i'm quiteconfident that i will have more than three hundred and and and and i think that our insistthat you can use to do you expect to have this support from northern states howeversome support from northern states uh... i will have some delegates i love the book of mulch for disney inthe southern states

now the delegate as a delegate one votecount as much as you know that that man is a lack of a politician do you thinkthat it is not possible for a southerner to receive thedemocratic nomination for the press published yet don't like to think thatafter ninety years of being intervened and the democratic party has loyallysupported the gave been loyally supported by the southover that period at the a man to be discriminated against because we havebeen born on the wrong side of it philandering show them a chance in life that brings us to the principal questionsir with your always ask and share with

our audience would like to hear yourviews on a traditional police's is richardgarcetti pc and that of course is one of the thingsthat uh... is addicted reasons if you're addicted to in the northern cities totake it just what is your view on a ppc almost hit the p_c_ as many as sevenissue a section of a shoe goes way for the very heart of our markham system uh... made it go the thirty eight point which is thefederal government has a pop

to pass a fund employment and fun promotion and upon employment policies and they also in the matter ofdischarges from involved now i do not believe the free enterprisesystem can't possibly jewish if uh... we did have a whole lot offederal agents running all over the appealing older men chose not to takingthe read their minds because after all it is a matter of the focus of callpolice what was in the man's mind when he died this

individual rather than the other although i leave my group earlier ratherthan other group i do not think i think that that willeventually result in now the nationalization of allbusinessmen judge in this country if we have a passion of compulsory jail sentence iffy pc that put a man in prison because heemploys one man instead of a above another nicer shortly lost americanlives

currently and that's a very importantissue but uh... well we have time reluctant discussion about foreignpolicy following your review where the chairmanof the joint uh... senate armed services and foreignrelations committee that uh... conducted the hearings though president truman's firing of generalmacarthur well he went into that very exhaustedlied about so many words which has to about seven weeks of morning andafternoon high nitrogen thrown out why did you ever get around to write areport telling the american people how

you felt about whether the presidentshould or should not by general macarthur well i'll tell you about that everyamerican citizen is made up his mind already there was no region there for thatcommitted to showdown in trouble for three weeks in writing the report which would havebeen a divided fourth been impossible fallen through the green and it would have guessed let it bealert to the

flames of bitterness it spread over thecountry on both sides of that issue review committee could restoredemocratic system and if we have had with the the billionaire and hisjudgment and a there was no good that i saw itcould blow from the committee undertaking five division to say well of joe mccarthy was rightover the joint chiefs ride on the president's percent to write a review ofthe has been a great pleasure to have you with us tonight thank you very much thank you for talking to be on thisprobe

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