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green canyon turkije

green canyon turkije

inquiry from texas is facing chargesafter she allegedly tried to adopt her three-year-old son on craig's list so that she brought itout on craigslist indicating that she was able to take care of her son and shedid someone to adopt him so other obviously you can't do that alot of states have safe haven lives but they usually uh... do not extend past anewborn uh... so of course if you have a child and you don't want the childsometimes very difficult to find a way to

great you know put him or her up foradoption but anyway how she writes the following hi i'm tryna dot out my three-year-oldson another place in my life and don't feellike i can't care for him properly but i don't know where to start if u arnelleanyone who would be interested in caring for him please let me know i'm a single mom can't do this thanks desperate and her name isstephanie readers so what do you guys think i mean

there are numerous stories like this andit's like every couple of months the there will be a new case where a womanis that species known to do sometimes we try to treat her kids fordrugs but obviously in this case you know it seems like she just doesn't havethe financial means to take care of chopped off a kind of seems like herwording in the craigslist post was a little bit day it kinda sounds like she's just askingfor guidance on hampton get her son adopted or she's asking for a little bit of helpin caring for him right now

i think it might actually be a hard caseto prosecute because even the languages in all the way thatyou know they're going to have some type of theft but um... technically for defense could argue thatshe wasn't actively trying to adopt out her son on craigslist u_s_ trying tofigure out what to do it it is the problem here is that what do you do i mean i'm not a motherand if i were mother hopefully i wouldn't want to put my son up foradoption on pregnant

if if if you are feeling overwhelmedwith what your options especially if you can about low-income maybe loweducational level not not quite sure what to do so there are so many twistsand turns it so many points i wanna make about this story but not yet to makematters worse we find out that she is currently pregnant it makes you saw frustrated because youdon't have a financial needs to take care of the three year old enough nowwhy are you getting pregnant again and obviously you can help solveproblems like that with comprehensive sex education making sure thatcontraception

is affordable and available uh... so you know it's training jobtraining those are the kinds of things that you know uh... yo bombingministrations really train at the site and i definitely think it's admirablethat he is doing that but regardless uh... it is affordable and available toprevent pregnancy and even to if we don't have a moral opposition to it two and a pregnancy early it's muchcheaper than raising a child absolutely

absent she threatened to put it inperspective about how how difficult this must be for the parent had tragedies forfor outsiders looking in but three years old that's not the firstor time that's older than frozen that would be like drink after all thistime saying you know the show's family or whateverand they're going to be but colleagues friends is already dancing in a tuxedolike that it's not a baby and i think dancing in a taxi tupac doyou know every rockets holding deficit models yanks are getting it together i have on your life you can i'd be in acredited with being breathing dancing

and then if it is also living andbreathing death and up definitely dot but undercover also whatwith is difficult for me looking at on this and have uh... make a weird analogyis like its own pardon the bad but it'sit's difficult you're a single mom but the fact that you don't have any family support system that like yourmother your grandmother can take care of it and it reminds me of like when i was growing up trying to geta a handle on the problem of

homelessness the idea that at some pointyou lose your job and there's nobody who can help in thewhat do you like to take you and friends or family like how do you get cut off for your support system that way i thinkthat that that's part of being a dollars understanding that shit yeah that's ofdoes happen and that's what happened is so far and happens often and it's scaryi mean so many americans right now i want a check away from poverty for beinghomeless you know anticipating by society and i know a lot of you are you knowthis but just to give you a specific of

facts and figures on how expensive it isto raise the single child according to the department of agriculture and i'm sorry the akkada department and these are very conservative figuresbecause they do not include college tuition did not they do notinclude housing he did not include uh... little extranecessities that you need to raise a child they just include that bear minimum you know the subsidies to raisea child clothing that literally hundreds of exactly

on june twenty eleven uh... middleincome couple would spend about twelve thousand two hundred ninetydollars to fourteen thousand three hundred twenty dollars per year on achild a significant amount of money deliveringany other north-northeast odd couple spend about twenty thousandseven hundred sixty dollars to twenty seven thousand on seven hundred twenty per year on achild prescreened what i live in l_a_ as i cantell you i think i spend more than that on rent

uh... yes i like the environment that imean obviously depends on which area you have here in new york if you're in l_a_in a large city as promised so much more expensive twenty thousand dollars thatmeans that if you're too much going for you also need to like we tables at that all right now i know it's incredibletalent and that's another thing i think a lot of people because in a way that's the approachtrees having kids at you know they make it seem soromanticize people don't think about it really evaluate or do a cost-benefitanalysis before they have the kids you

know and i've asked the judge anyone who haskids if you make that decision that's your decision it's totally fine but it's a lot harder then you knowpeople make it out to be

green canyon turkije Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Melissa Nur Aulia El-Zulfa