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green canyon turquie

green canyon turquie

hello viewers all around the world, tourist cordial greeting at the beginning of 271. the meeting on the waves and waves of positive vibrations in the tv series tourism plus. -to all tourism plus watchers in the world, wherever you are, we wish good health and good spirits. -a tourism plus it will contribute as much as you can and as far as circumstances allow us. -one old wisdom says it's easy to be happy in abundance and when you have a lot, should be content with little. same as old it is true that the world began, no one trusted not found what it is little, but not much. either way we safely claim that we have many friends tourism plus. -informal friends club tourism plus every day there are an increasing number of supporters. -according to the number of your sms and email messages, and comments on social networks and can be seen in krol at the bottom of the screen. -you can also see that the emission tourist rotor tourism plus can be found on facebook.

-... that emissions is shown on 25 tv stations and cable operators in bosnia and herzegovina. ... and that in the communication and media space throughout and around the world can be seen in twenty languages. with pleasure we can tell you that we have this show richer for another friend, that is, for many viewers of another tv station that broadcasts from today tourism plus. -greetings for colleagues, colleagues and viewers of television alpha tv station in sarajevo which of these emissions in the club plus. and in today's travel tourist paths of bosnia and herzegovina will visit: banja luka, sarajevo, rudo, bos.petrovac, glamoc, drvar, mostar and brcko. like at the beginning of each show that we look first prize corner tourism plus and see who all earned a nice prize refreshments. -weekend stay for two with breakfast included in the hotel palace in banja luka received snjezana gavrilovic. -weekend stay for two with breakfast included at the royal kotromanicevo village near doboj received tarik sixth.

-weekend stay for two with breakfast included at the grand hotel posavina in brcko she is belma prcec. -dvodnevni weekend stay for two with breakfast included at mepas in mostar has received nisveta bovic. -considering to all viewers that we occur via sms, email or comment on social networks can get pretty prize refreshments which is prepared for you friends tourism plus our reporter team represent some of them. -in this show, see what we are in word and camera recorded during a visit to the hotel posavina in brcko. -hotel grand posavina represents synonymous originators brcko hospitality. it was built back in 1891 for more than a century draws the attention of brcko residents, but also tourists, who are fascinated by its austro-hungarian architecture from the 19th century. weddings, marriage proposals, new year's celebrations, graduation parties, and many other beautiful events, reminiscent of many generations of the beauties hidden in the dense foliage of the main brcko park. the hotel has undergone a long history and many suffered damage. almost completely was devastated during the last war. like the phoenix from the ashes raised in 2001 and again became a favorite gathering place for many of brcko residents.

today, the grand hotel posavina represents mix of old architecture and modern design that will satisfy even the most demanding guests. leaning on the city hall grand posavina is one of the symbols of the city to the river. unless the hotel posavina one of the symbols of the city of brcko and brcko in addition to being recognized and this hotel, what binds me privately they are fine just the emotions associated with this hotel and especially the staff. -grand hotel posavina host and the many cultural events in only the bosnian district. as loyal partners have recognized him and a number of governmental and non-governmental organizations often organize their activities are left to just the management of the hotel posavina. very pleased with the service i fully posavina hotel. as i say often collaborate, organize seminars and today we have here one training, throughout the organization, beginning with the negotiations, services, personnel, what we provide, we absolutely satisfied. we're here had one last year artists' colony which i led and here we put the people of croatian, serbian, who were our guests. painters who brought out a stunning impressions and now we are with them still in touch. so will this year to make the colony and we will accommodate them. impressions were fantastic. the secret continuation of preserving the reputation of a good host that has 32 rooms and 4 suites lies next to the unusual atmosphere and professional staff, emphasizes the manager of this hotel.

select a hotel for their temporary home is not exactly an easy task. but guests who are accustomed to year after year as employees are seeing the same person, they are aware that it is a facility in which in addition to comfort and delicious food can count on the absolute security and warmth. -we have a team of 13 employees, long-term employees, who are all the time working as a hotel employee, so that guests who come every year and often come to us, they feel more comfortable because it is already established team. -meeting different people and different temperaments. we met with famous people. i could not give you one of the most positive experiences i had the famous people is also milena dravic who showed really like a big lady, lady. also with mr. tarik filipovic who was also delighted as me and reception here and all the other staff at our hotel. -rooms in hotel posavina are furnished in a classic style that follows the architecture of the building itself. guests of this magnificent edition, which is only a few dozen meters from the banks of the sava available to the snack bar-restaurant with over 100 seats, and in the summer garden of the hotel which can accommodate 500 guests. hotel for its guests and also has secured 30 parking spaces in an enclosed hotel courtyard.

if you decide to visit brcko inevitably visit the grand posavina in which people always feel the positive spirit of plain end. and we continue to travel through bosnia and herzegovina. -put takes us through the landscape and micro-destinations, all more beautiful than beautiful. let's go first to banja luka, krajina beauty, to hear and see what they say citizens and tourist operators of tourism today, but also other tourist banja luka topics. -so the next few minutes speaking of banja luka on the state of tourism in this town. mostly managers, tourism officials, and the citizens themselves. yes banja luka is a very good tourist jewel in europe testifies to the prize cup of hospitality which will this year be presented to the representatives of our city and this for the second time. vrbarska beauty riddled with green alleys and hills, and as such has many charms that can offer all the curious visitors who can not resist its beauty. previous tourist season was the best so far, and all hope to one that is in front of us to be even better. if we compare the result of nights for the same period last year, talking about the nine-month period, we can say that we have 18 percent more arrivals,

or rather we have 58,000 visits and 80,000 thousand nights. satisfied are and caterers. visits that were recorded in hotels and number of nights gives them the right to hope for an even better season. -last season was successful. i am under the impression that somehow every season more successful as far as the tourist arrivals. tourists come mainly half and half: half foreigners, half call from former parts of yugoslavia. with us in banja luka mainly, by the summer season, spend time business people, and during the season mainly people who have never been in banja luka or who are already here have gained a good impression of returning. -chit-chat playful vrbas, the smell of linden and all that is woven in banja luka, attracts tourists from all over the world. a variety of events, music and sporting events attract tourists to banja luka. she became recognized as a city of sport and the city of music. bicycle race belgrade-banja luka attracts large number of tourists. -that race like this, cycling experts know how the tour de france worked for france, how giro di italia in italy, and we are trying that race belgrade-banja luka offices also in banja luka, means to attract as many tourists. we watch the competitors and as tourists as they come and their coaches.

i wagon with competitors has about 350 people, a complete organization of people who participate in the race was 1200. all these people come to banja luka, visit to banja luka, those from banja luka there were those who did not come. of course, these particular athletes and the entire race tracks a large number of people from abroad. the largest number of tourists comes to us when the race comes to belgrade-banja luka, coming from serbia, of course, from bosnia and herzegovina, if we count that tourists from other cities by tourists in banja luka, then we can say that several thousand people came to banja luka to follow this event. these people need to eat, they have to sleep, they have to go out to spend. they are all potential tourists and we are working to increase the number of tourists as possible, and we do projects like organizing the event and not just for athletes but also for recreation, to make some kind of event that would attract more and more tourists from europe. banja luka is a city of music. city good festival. more and more tourists come to visit these events. somehow i think that 2015 was much better in terms of tourism than some of the previous year as it was, for example, 2014 years i know that out of all our developments which we had and all the tourists that came on the occasion of certain events that are happening in our city. i think of course to travel and offer the season should be better this year and all the years to some,

but i think that we as someone who organizes events in our city to make an effort to make it better. -after last year's results, banja luka this year expects an extremely successful tourist season. banjaluka, krajina beauty, a city that is situated on the banks of the river vrbas, attracts tourists to its greenery, numerous alleys, music and sporting events, at the same time can offer stories from its rich history. results of the new history of the city on the vrbas successfully writes. -familiar that tv signal travels extremely high speed. if it is already so he went out, and my fastest means of transport, the tv signal, and here we are in the time from the northwest to the eastern part of the republic of serbian. right in rudo. what's in this small, rather remote municipality achieved the development of tourism. -rudo is located in the far east of bosnia and herzegovina and for the most part, this municipality borders with serbia and montenegro. it is located in mountainous area on the river lim at an average altitude of about 400 meters. on the natural characteristics are mainly based tourism potentials.

-by the river lim have a couple of interesting little rivers, which are very rich in fish and very interesting for sport fishing. our mountains and forests are extremely rich hunting game, so there is the possibility of development and hunting. -rudo is recognizable by the tourist board guided ciro. made in the spirit of the old steamboats and reminiscent of the narrow-gauge ciro, the first train on the territory of former yugoslavia. -waters ciro is one of the few attractions of eastern bosnia, on a route that goes from rudo partly to visegrad and gorazde. they are beautiful canyons that leave all our visitors breathless. last year we had a lot of tours from turkey, croatian, slovak and this our local tours, where our locals rented boat. -with tara, vrbas and neretva river lim is a great place for rafting in bosnia and herzegovina. the local rafting club is next to the sports deals and tourist activities. can you call all those who love extreme sports nature to respond to our invitation and to visit our river. you can warmly recommend other rivers in bosnia and herzegovina, to which you go will not repent. it is an opportunity to rest from the various activities of obligations.

-essential obstacle to the development of tourism for years was the lack of accommodation. since 2014, this small community has a modern and fully equipped 4-star hotel and 64 beds. conference rooms and meeting rooms provide additional conditions for the development of congress tourism. -most number of guests just from bosnia and herzegovina and neighboring countries, and the most common reason for travel is just a job. frequent and transit guests in our real vacation to your target destination. we are satisfied with the operations of the hotel. -in rudo are of the opinion that linking with neighboring municipalities best chance for development of tourism in this part of the country. assured that by pooling their own capacities of all the municipalities that are in our environment, we can be a serious tourist destination, because all the neighboring municipalities have something to offer in one common package would surely be a serious offer. -development of tourism could be given to the rich cultural and historical heritage. in the center of the municipality is a museum dedicated to the first partisan brigade. but little is known to be the birthplace of mehmed pasha sokolovic in rudo. in this village, only a few hundred meters from the mosque and the church dedicated to mehmed pasha and his mother.

chances of rudo and the further development of hunting and fishing tourism, and integration into a unique tourist offer with the neighboring municipalities a good step toward the goal-as many visitors. -next three items are recorded in the area of ​​glamoc, drvar and bosanski petrovac. and in the tourism development agency in glamoc in the krajina municipalities drvar and bosanski petrovac, recognized the value and benefits which brings rotor project digital bh itinerary in the development and improvement of tourism promotion. -our team reporter tried to find out and you dear viewers tourism plus intention to transfer part of the measures to promote tourism activities in the micro-destination. what should be done, modify, correct in order to improve and facilitate the business entities engaged in this important world tourism business. did we get the answers to these and other interesting questions find out the following reporter track. -in western bosnia and herzegovina is a magical place rich in history and tradition. stone three-pee, the river that runs uphill, beautiful lakes are just some of the many miracles and wonders of the municipality glamoc. it covers an area of ​​1033 square kilometers and has many undiscovered tourism potential.

the beauty that lives in this area is unreal, completely different, beautiful in itself and dignified. the municipality is this on whose promotion should be further due, so that tourists come, retain there and get familiar with all that this city has to offer. is located on about 900 meters above sea level and some 90 kilometers shortest road route to the adriatic sea. the entire canton where there is the municipality has a very favorable geographical position -glamoc area characterized by unscreened meadows and pastures, forests and lakes represents a paradise for those who want to escape the gloomy everyday life, that breaks the soul and to enjoy the natural beauty. mountain area open space for hiking and winter sports while the vast coniferous forests suitable and ideal for rest and recreation. this is why glamoc is an oasis of peace. has this municipality to be proud of. this is oak lake, we'll talk first about the natural beauty. glamoc owns and lake busije and satorsko lake. glamoc has a beautiful promenade busia, can also be seen has fine mountains for hiking routes. we actively mountaineering association busia.

in addition, we offer historical tourism which in glamoc as every type of tourism is not sufficiently developed. we are proud to talk about glamocko kolo (circle) which is one of the few circuits that are performed without musical accompaniment, as it is mistakenly referred to as the dead glamocko kolo. it is not deaf because it creates a rhythm, or by directly creating players playing this round. at the beginning of 80 years this country dance (glamocko kolo) is also protected by unesco so that makes a cultural heritage not only glamoc even in bosnia and herzegovina. they are excellent conditions for the development of rural tourism in the municipality. develop rural tourism in order to preserve traditional wooden houses. architecture of the past, homes and old furniture are reminiscent of an old times.tourists from different countries frequently visited ethno village nenadic. -as a part of this village, i started to think, when i've already started to do, let's throw something in the ethno village. i took the first two goats, two sheep, donkey and horse i took not because of work, but i took the most for children. i have grandchildren and i thought that they will more longer coming here. so i expanded it, i started working and huts for sleeping because people came from distant parts, so they are looking for some accommodation. now i have 10 beds available.

caterers say could be better. in the summer counting visits. tourists coming from the side. in winter, the situation is slightly different but all hope that the project bh digital travel itinerary to contribute to the development of tourism in the municipality. pretty much in summer who come to relatives in belgrade, serbia, novi sad and the occasional passer-by. come summer tourists from austria, slovenia, croatian. they come cyclists and motorcyclists, they drop by, who came through here i think that someone from the outside to be familiar with what glamoc provides, and i think the media presented little glamoc. especially with positive and beautiful so that was lacking such a project where people will be able to hear and see that glamoc provides one nice thing. -for all those who love nature at every turn there is something. the surrounding area is a paradise for those who want to pick herbs. to enjoy in addition to one of the lakes that the municipality has. to learn about the history of the municipality, to have a coffee in the beautiful ethno village. singed is glamoc in many songs. singed will be in the future. all believe that glamoc has a future. it boasts beautiful nature, forest resources, fertile fields. hardly anyone has so much beauty, charm and charisma as glamoc municipality. -drvar, a place full of hospitality, natural beauty and which preserves the memory of many historical stories and events.

this is how you could describe the city located in the west of bosnia and herzegovina. it is known for unspoiled nature and forest resources, clean rivers, streams and cultural-historical monuments that recall the ancient times. it faithfully testifies memorial complex may 25. within the complex there are 4 museums and well-known tito's cave. full was built in the sixties, but was destroyed during the last war. renovated in 2009. -memorial complex may 25, and tito's cave site known for landing on drvar in 1944 revitalized after the war. from year to year there is a higher number of visitors and has achieved considerable development potential that in the next period is to be added and refreshed with some new investments, give it more importance and space to be more recognizable and economic abundant. -2011. the commission for the designation of national monuments is the memorial complex may 25 declared a national monument. the decision of the commission designating national monuments make it 4 buildings. the main building at the entrance, the building in which it is established ozna (department for protection of the people), which is now an ethnological museum with 40 exhibits, then tito's villa, the building in front of which we have today, historical museum which includes replicas of uniforms from world war 2 national costumes, horsetail, cradle for children and many other exhibits at the ethnological museum reminiscent of the former way of life. on the other hand, old photographs and uniforms in the museum of history jealously guarded the memory of historical events.

historical story hides and tito's cave that housed tito during the attack on drvar. over here we must note that the weapon and helmet original, and uniforms are replicas. the fourth building as part of the monument is a wooden shack called tito's cave where history took place in 1944, the famous german offensive "knight jump," the german assault that failed. tito spent here your working days. great attention of tourists attracted to the river bastasica. regardless of its short flow, it is rich in trout and exceptional beauty. particularly impressive is the source of the river, which is surrounded by rocks real waterfalls. on the coast is located motel which unfortunately is not in use, and is known for the fact that it stayed josip broz tito. -her length is 300 m, belongs to the una river basin and not far from here flows into the river unac. source bastacica the many specific and distinctive and is the subject of research even global association of divers then rocks that surround the only source represent the potential for developing various kinds of adventure tourism, but the thing is bastacica known it is actually sightseeing tourism that unfortunately is not yet supported by the secondary travel deals. we can not ignore the hotel drvar which offers tourists the best service. the hotel has 20 double rooms, a restaurant with 200 seats, a pizzeria with 60 seats, a conference room and a hairdresser. in the hotel are happy with wisits, but they say that this city lacks a travel agency in order to improve tourism in the municipality.

-you should first open a travel agency in drvar to assemble arrangements and was in touch with other travel agencies to supply holes here in drvar. numerous tourist potential in drvar are underutilized. although efforts are made to their construction, reconstruction and promotion still need it much to be done to improve tourism in this part of bosnia and herzegovina. -constant working on the site of the memorial complex of may 25, regulating the paths, walkways shall be regulated, maintains the museum, purchased some new exhibits. - tourism resources are very little used due to substandard accommodation, bad publicity and because of the events of the last period. you could do a lot especially to raise awareness of the population, then the advertising to the general public both in bosnia and in europe and the world the qualities lumberyard because we have historical monuments, we have natural landmark even on the mountain there klekovaca jungle part of the mountain of some 300 hectares. residents of drvar are proud of their city. they say they are in it welcome all travelers and passers-by who have a lot to see and things to admire. - we are satisfied. we have klekovaca, we have a very nice and tidy mountain lodge, we have bastasica, tito's cave ... - you have tito's cave, bastasica then there is close to martin brod, forests, rivers ...

in addition logger boasts mountains, the most famous klekovaca. the beauties of this and other mountains, unfortunately we could not capture the eye of our camera because we did not allow weather conditions. it was impossible to come to visucgrada also known as the black queen. this is one of the oldest buildings from the middle ages that hides various folk tales and legends. all in all, our team is from drvar came back with a lot of impressions and a promise that we will re-visit this city. also recommend to you as the natural beauty that this place has surely you will not leave you indifferent. located on the gentle slopes grmec, only 54 kilometers from bihac, there is the municipality of bosanski petrovac. it occupies an area of ​​almost 717 km square and is located at 664 m above sea level. it is surrounded by the four patron of this city-four mountains: grmec, osjecenica, octrelj and klekovaca proudly surround this town of petrovac and as such has all the facilities for the development of mountain, rural and hunting tourism. -bosanski petrovac located on a fairly good geographical position: both economically and geographically, and in any other way, is located in the west of bosnia and herzegovina, near the border of the european union, with 700 meters above sea level which is ideal for life, with fine and clean mountains and wide fields. everything is unpolluted.

fortunately for nature, we do not have much industry, and the result is purity. on this plateau there are no rivers nor any larger streams. a lot of tourism potential that tourists have yet to recognize. bosanski petrovac boasts clean air, beautiful fields, rich history and many famous historical figures who were born in this city. he's got a lot of these forts, some forty, we can find them in almost every village around petrovac, can be found artifacts dating from the illyrians, romans, there is also the famous christian medieval monument village fair-remnants of the temple of saint george in kolunic, there is bjelajska tower from 1495, then the tower to defy the so-called kulin-captain tower. the great tourist potential are villages and ethno tourism. these municipalities are proudly points out in its offer. at only a few kilometers from the center of the municipality is the village vrtoce whose symbol fairytale farm cardaklije. it represents a true small empire from the 19th century that its atmosphere and ambience tourists back to some ancient, forgotten time. a household is dominated cardak, tall and slender building that dominates in the shade of oak and ash and proudly watching the farm. it started its work three years ago. the market gives us the ability to be self-sufficient, still only in the summer when we have a lot of tourists, passers-by, diaspora coming to this area.

the rest of the year we are unfortunately still not visited. the crowd is more content in this corner of peace. in addition to the catering facilities, cardaklije provide the ability to relax like horse riding, carriage rides, bike rides along the forest trails. - in addition to riding schools that are working in controled space, then horseback riding for people who have some knowledge, i also have a therapeutic riding- working with children with special needs because of the growing need for this type of training. caterers are pleased and proud to point out that in the summer they have a solid number of visitors. accidentally or intentionally tourists retain in this municipality. at the promotion of accommodation works on a daily basis. - in the summer we have a lot of guests. capacities from 50 to 60 guests. - in the future, we plan to work on the ski center octrelj. the first step is the transfer of electricity to the location. on the promotion of resources available bosanski petrovac municipality should be worked on. it will certainly contribute to the project bh digital travel itinerary. -we all such activities concerning the promotion of capacity and tourist potentials of the municipality are in favor of and we support.

often bosanski petrovac changed its name. in turkish times it was called novosel, later petrovac, today bosanski petrovac. among the four mountains standing proudly and attracts tourists with its rich history. bosanski petrovac municipality that will surely shine like a true tourist jewel in bih. - the world, and especially in the european tourism market as one of the most potent, huge government reshuffling, realignment on the fly, and redirection of supply and demand ... - because it's not a joke: tourism is very plentiful and delicious cake. suffice it to say that in the world directly and indirectly by providing services and products in tourism engaged in no less than 250 million people. from tourism live or live well, many nations, provinces, regions, states. participation in world tourism organization predicted that despite all the turbulent, war and political turmoil, tourist traffic in the world will increase by a further 3-3.5% and reach the figure of one billion and 200 million arrivals in 2016. how much of it will be a huge number of tourist nomads arrive in our region it's not easy to know and learn. competent for now thread choirs thread murmur. - among the areas in which bih can expect good tourist harvest certainly trebinje, visegrad, tuzla, mostar, neum, medjugorje, bihac, banja luka, sarajevo. what about how they think or what they hope citizens of sarajevo look in our small survey.

- there should be a tourist organization at the state level more take care of the hygiene and cleanliness of cities. i believe that in cities that are recovering from the flood still has dirt and mud. it should be more involved and not just talk about it. - i see that there are tourists from different countries, i think they should offer a little more rural tourism because we have good resources - i think we need to improve infrastructure- approaching cities, highway which will help tourism. i mean that in sarajevo tourism reduced to bascarsija. it should be small and the environment and suburban areas include tourism in the city. - every year we record an increasing number of tourists. sarajevo is really in the last two years has become a recognized tourist destination thanks to the good promotion that sarajevo has. today a lot of tourists come to discover something new about sarajevo, to get to know a place where east and west meet. here right now i'm talking about your guests from hong kong to 50 meters of us writes sarajevo meeting of cultures and if you look at the one side you will see the period of the ottoman empire, the eastern culture, not only islam, but also orthodoxy and when you look at the other side we will see what has brought the austro-hungarian empire and modern sarajevo. the close relationship between east and west is something that is most important for sarajevo. - in recent years, we are very popular and foreigners from countries of golf as well as guests from the western markets that when coming unify balkan tour.

when they come here they want to visit the countries of the region including croatia, serbia, bosnia and albania and macedonia so that they make this wonderful tours that can not remain indifferent where we include all-from the sea to the mountain hotel in the city with city tours and shore excursions and then the combination of a package tour is a big hit. in the last seven years we do a lot on and coming tourism. so far we have mainly highest revenue realized abduction of tourists from our country, but bosnia has just become one of the most attractive countries in this part of europe and i can say that the traffic of tourism arrivals has doubled. therefore the hotel is adapted to the number of guests arriving and research in last year show that sarajevo has room for another 3 strong branded hotel based on the demand that currently exists. -for those viewers and viewers who have just joined us and for all our faithful viewers follow the usual instructions for how to engage in the program and still get a prize and a pleasant refreshment. -hence see the following instructions. -your suggestions, opinions, suggestions, messages or comments can be sent. - e-mail message to an or a text message to the phone number 064 42 00 999th

or a message to comment on the fun page: tourism plus .-your messages and comments we will be happy to include it in the show anyway you can follow in krol at the bottom of the screen. and some of you, dear viewers, have a chance to win one of the attractive prize refreshments prepared by the friends of tourism plus. -weekend stay for two with breakfast included at the hotel palas banja luka. -weekend stay for two with breakfast included in the ethno village kotromanicevo near doboj. -weekend stay for two with breakfast included at mepas in mostar. see you still at the beginning and during each of the next month to programs 26 tv stations and cable operators in bih, and through their networks as well as on facebook tourism plus across the globe, in all meridians and parallels. what about your friends, acquaintances and relatives in a white world, you know that the emissions can be monitored and twenty languages -it will be with you and you with your suggestions be with us.

-dear viewers tourism plus, respected plus fans wherever you are in the world, to the next meetings early next month at frequencies of positive vibrations ... ... best tourist greeting!

green canyon turquie Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Melissa Nur Aulia El-Zulfa