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green canyon yogyakarta

green canyon yogyakarta

this is the last day in jogja but i don’t think i can met with dinosaurs but that’s okay.. for the past 3 days i was having so much fun it feels like a dream but it seems the dreams were trying to tell me something jalanjalan man! i was dreaming… what kind of dream?

ooh shit…shit!! i’m not cut out to be in jogja i feel unfit because jogja was an educated town on the other hand i felt i’m not that educated so today i’m going to find out why jogja was an educated town i woke up in the hotel it’s hotel manohara why this is a center of borobudur study?

at first the name was central of borobudur study it was meant for people who sought knowledge about borobudur does manohara ever been to manohara? not yet.. she got to get here manohara was taken from jataka relief at the it’s not.. today i learned! no wonder they called it center of borobudur study so manohara it’s not exclusively an artist name

manohara was taken from jataka relief which at the candi borobudur i will learn more about borobudur! i think i was goofing around too much while they tried to explain to me genuinely ..i feel bad i better listen… let naya asked coz she’s more like…smarter today she will represents me to asked intellectual questions in order for me to get smarter all the good deeds in like…all over the world come to this place? yes, all the good deeds will come to this place

so it’s a very good candi in the end, after we asked the monks borobudur was a place of holy visit for budhist from all over the countries along with the head monk they meditate together and pray so jebraw should refrain from goofing around borobudur he tends to forget that this was a place of worship is it true that this candi is the biggest in the world? yes i’m right about one thing

one..two..three.. korbeibazzar education is essential i wish i’ve learned it when i was younger and now we’re gonna see what sort of activities around borobudur from manohara, you can rent andong touring wanurejo village oh man!it’s awesome! they can teach you how to ride andong while being greeted by friendly local kids turns out there’s also other candi(s) around candi borobudur

after that you can watch wayang for me..the amazing moment was when i walked through the field it reminded me when i was a kid i was riding bicycle with my friends totally zen! for jebraw..the most amazing moment was rengginang workshop where he learnt how to make rengginang keep it up ma’am! yes! now i’m back at jogjakarta square

and next we’re going to keraton in order to study on how to be an educated person like people in jogja let’s go! jogja was a very friendly city everybody smiles and was very helpful maybe it was like.. it was like so hipster like it was called bicycle city

everybody was using bicycle to get around so bicycle was like a (inaudible) thing what is keraton? i actually didn’t know keraton was derived from "keratuan" house of kings so every king has to settle in this keraton oohh so it was for kings? to this date..

ooh to this date… so where’s the king? the current king is sultan hamengkubuwono x and acted as the governor can i meet him? no you can’t is this from merapi? so it was imported from merapi? ooh exported from merapi? how can it be imported, it’s still domestic

ooh i what do you called it? only “por”? there has to be dinosaurs fossils can i do the digging here? what’s below there? ooh..dirt.. so there’s no dinosaurs what’s that? that is called ketukkenong what? ketukkenon?

oohhketukkenong… because it sounded like “kenongkenongkenong” right ma’am? i learned a lot about philosophy and the local history man! naya told me about radensaleh.. the only local painter that can paints keraton family he’s famous work was painting about when pangerandiponegoro was betrayed by the dutch i didn’t know that… (inaudible) after that i was shown a table where sultan hamengkubuwono ix planned the seranganumum 11 maret with his comrades it’s so historical!

i know that sultan hamengkubuwono ix was a hipster, man! his hobby was polaroid picture this is all awesome for me! and for me, if there’s something awesome in front of you you gotta do shuffling in front of it there was always sultanate in jogja for 10 generations so i learned if something we protected, developed and never to be forgotten then it will be eternal like this place like jogja

"tindaktindak mas" (jalan-jalan man) monggo man! if you wanna eat like kings, you gotta go to bale raos i was eating a rice filled with philosophy which was often served when there’s a ceremony in keraton they say that chicken induced stoic-ness i feel like i’m smarter because i gain more philosophy truly wise after the meal they rested me. i don’t wanna waste my last day

so i decided to stroll around by myself occasionally we need a moment of solitude like the moment for ourselves so we can pretend to look like we’re thinking something wise like sort of a wise guy so when the others saw look..there’s a man..alone it looks like he is a wise man that’s why i’m alone now in order for me to get people think that i’m wise and more educated

i just wanna walk around in jogja because i think walking around was like dating someone man! if you wann date someone, you gotta know your girlfriend same as walking, man! you have to know this place first why walking? so your foot came into a relationship with this place so if anyone asks

i’m in a relationship! that’s why! braw, what are you having? charcoal coffee man! what the hell is that? it’s called kopi josss what coffee? kopi josss! kopi josss?! so it was like josss ma’am?

wooww!it’s so josss man! oh my god man! it’s so josss! this proves that jogja people were in fact educated they invented a drink heater and we can only had ice to cool the drinks it’s past 20 minutes and it’s still hot nuts.. charcoal man! so if you’re drinks needs more heat

better charcoaled it man! wonocoroko what’s the meaning of wonocoroko? this is the prove why jogja is an educated city coz they used ancient javanese writings see? javanese alphabet on streets for people to learn wonocorokodotosowolo a ----- n..! dinosaurs man!

can you believe it man?! i met becak driver whom knows where people sold monsters would you like yo see monsters? hell yeah! man! i’m in the place where heroes were made! we’re in jtoku studio where heroes were made and this is my partner this is the best

the most woow things is that… garudaman! it’s so indonesian man! jtoku was very creative man! theirs costumes were exported they are the brains behind this super awesome workshop why do you guys so educated? coz we lived in the educated city bet you didn’t expect that did you

am i super hero or what?! my right hand is a raptor with a sword in it man! today i feel very educated! jogja has a this studying aura all over the place totally an educated aura i don’t know what else to do in order to get more smarter man! i know how to be smarter we had to go to taman pintar! i felt unity peace

(singing indonesian anthem) taman pintar was a very interactive science museum i’m having a blast! because i felt smarter like an aquarium..oohh my god! oh my god! dinosaurs tyrannosaurus rex i met dinosaurs!

yeah…yeah..yeah.. after from taman pintar, iwas told to go back to jtoku oh my god!turns out they really got me a surprise they didn’t only made super heroes they also made dinosaurs the moment i accepted reality and go with the flow i finally got what i was looking for, man! me for me, destination isn’t the end

but the journey that’s what matters the most that’s why i am a real traveler coz i like to travel now is the time when i enjoy jogja with my friend i love jogja hey everybody thanks for watching us from episode 1 to 4 we want to give you quiz, so you can win the prizes..right? yeap! the quiz is how many times the words “jalanjalan men” spoken from episode 1 to 4?

for example jalanjalan men that counts that also counts if jalanjalan men jalan? if it’s only.. jalan man jalan man jalan man makanmakan man that didn’t counts

second question where do we have to go on the next episode and tell us the reason send your reply to the prizes are ukulelejalanjalan man! 2 village berihajro package you guys can do cave-tubing in goapindul river tubing and caving in goagelatik

but that excludes accommodation costs you guys had to pay the ticket yourself..sorry guys you can meet mr.tukijo you guys also get t-shirt from and t-shirt from byee peace out yoo jalanjalan man that counts

green canyon yogyakarta Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Melissa Nur Aulia El-Zulfa